This Old Guy from Somewhere in Ohio on October 08, 2011: © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Sagotra literally means someone belonging to the same gotra. This view is supported by Herbert Spencer, Dr. Frazer and others. Synonyms for exogamy in Free Thesaurus. Simply stated, reciprocal exogamy is a social arrangement in which groups are bound together through marital unions and kinship. The custom of marrying outside the tribe, family, clan, or other social unit. In some cases, the rules of exogamy may also specify the outside group into which an individual must marry. These persons are almost always cross-cousins. : These clans maintained strict exogamy, so wives may be brought in from elsewhere. if endogamy had been practiced and human had been existing all the while, and better off for that matter, why would mankind now choose to prefer exogamy? In this view of alliances, marriage would be considered a primary and basic form of exchange, as a barter. as a result of these exogamous marriages, Rani Khera, a village of 150 households, was linked to 400 other nearby villages. Exogamy, which is within the scope of the study of sociology, means that a person marries from outside of the group or class he is a member of. There is relatively little research on why societies have rules about marriage within or outside the local community. The opposite of exogamy is endogamy. Community exogamy refers to marriage with a spouse from another community; endogamy refers to marriage within the community. Endogamy refers to the practice of marriage within a social group. Marriage is a socially approved union that united two or more individuals as spouses. Discuss and evaluate the adaptive significance of exogamy and endogamy. Abstract. While discussing marriage rules in West Bengal, Klass (1966) observes that in From the scientific point of view, exogamy is related to the genetic distance between the couple. Take for example the case of a Caucasian and Chinese couple. There are two types of forms of kinship in society, one is through blood and another through marriage. Marriage, a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any). It refers to a system of marriage in which an individual has to marry outside one’s own group such as gotra, pravara, sapinda or village. Forms of exogamy: Gotra Exogamy: The Hindu practice of one marrying outside one's own gotra. ‘These clans maintained strict exogamy, so wives may be brought in from elsewhere.’. Endogamy is a word that gets bandied around a lot in genetic genealogy circles, but what it means and how it affects our work is less clear. Exogamy: It is a rule of marriage in which an individual has to marry outside his own group. The rule of exogamyrequires that the marriage partner come from outside one’s own kin group or community. Exogamy can take many forms. It may mean marrying outside a particular group of kin or outside a particular village or group of villages. However, exogamy not only represents a benefit in the genetic area, but also involves many social and political aspects of different societies and systems. Marriage alliances are basic to the social structure of primitive cultures, with which a more solid formation is possible, establishing domestic arrangements, transmitting properties, and political authority. As the Nayar case suggests, the basic constants and variations in marital institutions and the affinal relationships that are based on it must first be understood in terms of the patterns of exogamy (out marriage) and endogamy (in marriage). Exogamy - Marriage to someone with characteristics that are dissimilar in terms of race, ethnicity, from SOCI 1301 at Tyler Junior College Download file to see previous pages… The ambiguity of the incest taboo that has for so long confused anthropologists is still not reveled whilst it is seen as establishing a structure of exchanges among separate groups. Its a beautiful article.It has enlightened me a lot.What are the disAdvantages, It was so informative, i belive it wil go a long way in the society. In these human groups, the exogamy has remained for several generations, managing to unite different clans in the same blood or language, and with this to achieve belonging and sense of a single nation. Is it possible to love two people at the same time? According to these rules one has to many outside one’s own group i.e. : Social disapproval of ethnic exogamy is lessening, though the government unofficially discourages it. The exogamy It corresponds to a rule for choosing a spouse, where marital relations between members of the same group or kinship system are prohibited. For example, in Rani Khera a village in Aligarh District of uttar Pradesh, 266 married women had come from about 200 different villages averaging between twelve and twenty-four miles away; 220 local women had gone to 200 other villages to marry. Each descent group is a collectivity of people who arose from a common ancestor. This is a sound marriage system which leads to the creation of healthy and intelligent children. Before the missionaries entered the area, the tribes used to pick up suitable stones and prepare the stone axes. Nellieanna Hay from TEXAS on April 07, 2012: Of course, one expects people to marry outside their related group, but I never knew this background of the practice, nor the extent to which it is applied to assure there will be no interbreeding which could result in greater likelihood of negative traits in offspring. What is marriage?Marriage (or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. Today, exogamy continues to be practiced in various modern societies and many described in classical literature. Female hypergamy is a term that originated in reference to Hindu marriage practices in India. Mandatory marriage within one’s own group is known as endogamy. ADVERTISEMENTS: In Hindu society, there are two kinds of rules regulating the selection of mates in marriage such as endogamy and exogamy. Take for example the case of a Caucasian and Chinese couple. It is believed that the exogamy started with the capture of women from neighboring tribes to gain more power over them, or perhaps because of the shortage of women within the same group. In the present time, the communities which are the most strict regarding endogamy are the Yazidis, Druze, Mandaeans and the Parsis of India. This promotes social solidarity and cohesion, reducing any internal conflict between communities. Exogamy is a common pattern in societies in Africa and India, where establishing alliances with neighboring clans through exogamy plays a vital role in the survival of their caste and sub-cast system. Essay on Exogamy – Exogamy is almost the opposite of endogamy. (noun) Found insideThis book presents a uniquely global view of an expanding field that challenges these and other stereotypes of cross-border marriage. Exogamy, also known by names such as external marriage or external marriage, is the preferred form of marriage by today's modern societies. With the growth of history, however, exogamy has lost its efficacy, and excepting the nearest blood-kins, there is usually no social bar restricting the field of marriage. This kinship network not only has a biological function, but also performs political and economic functions. Forms of marriage. Isogamy: It is the marriage between two equals (status). Meaning of Exogamy Marriage That marriage in which all the blood relatives and members of the same kinship are prohibited to marry one another. The marriage would be practiced outside one’s group, class or caste. Simple exogamy is in practice in the Indian tribes and North American. The prevalence of exogamy in the primitive worlds is a fact too well-known to need any explanation. Many believe it is related to totemism, the religious idea of divine respect for clan blood, which is a sacred substance. Endogamy refers to in group marriage, or a pattern of marriage in which the partners have a shared group affiliation. 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They distributed the stone axes through inter-regional trade. The severity of enforcement of exogamous restrictions varies greatly across cultures and may range from death to mild disapproval. It is believed that exogamy left with the capture of women from neighboring tribes to gain more power over them, or perhaps because of the shortage of women within the same group. Exogamy is a related term of polygamy. Meaning of Exogamy Marriage. Need antonyms for exogamy? The origin of the rule of exogamy is to favor the union between different social groups and the concept began to be used in the middle of century XIX when the first observations of the phenomenon were realized in Australian tribes. Isogamy: It is the marriage between two equals (status). Same-sex union laws around the world. This arrangement was a positive outcome of need for survival. A lineage is a descent group either from the father’s or mother’s line which traces its origin from a common ancestor. There are two types of kinship in society, one is through blood and the other through marriage. Found insideIn this volume, twenty-six experts in evolution, behavior, and genetics examine the causes and consequences of inbreeding. Marriage is a transaction and resulting contract in which a woman and a man are recognized by society as having a continuing claim to the right of sexual access to one another and in which the woman involved is eligible to bear children. There are various explanations for exogamy throughout history. Exogamy is a social arrangement where marriage is allowed only outside a social group. Community exogamy/endogamy. Children are regarded as the children of the entire group as a whole. ‘Individual choice is constrained by kin group exogamy.’. They consider a clan as a kin group whose members are brothers and sisters. As it is practically universal—some constraints on marriage are found […] The exogamy then began in the political sphere, to strengthen the tribes with alliances with other peoples groups. By contrast, wife-takers are associated with death. Forms of exogamy: Gotra Exogamy: The Hindu practice of one marrying outside one's own gotra. Actually, endogamy and exogamy are relative words. A different case is that of inbreeding, which for some authors incest rather than being a taboo, gives rise to people with hereditary physical and mental problems and transmission of parallel genetic pictures. Cultural expectations for marriage outside a particular group are called exogamy. Such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony.• A generally acknowledged and comprising definition of marriage is described below: Marriage is a lawfully and socially authorized alliance, usually between two individuals i.e. This book deals with the history of primitive marriage as that developed by Ferguson McLennan through his work on primitive marriage. On the other hand, it allows in a positive way to ensure alliances and stimulate concern and care between different social groups. These are endogamous marriages: marriages within a group. The Bará, or Fish people of the Northwest Amazon form part of a network of intermarrying local communities - each community speaks a different language and marriages must take place between people from different communities with different ... In India marrying up was called anuloma while marrying down was pratiloma. Interracial marriage is a form of exogamy. Instead, exogamy "scrambles and replaces the deck with a new one" and deals the new "cards" (genes) in each of the descendants. In today's society, the rule specifically outlines the prohibition of marriages between groups of direct relatives, such as siblings, mother, father; etc. However, the exchange of men and women cannot but be considered as a unifying force of different groups, increasing both the economic and political strength of the alliance formed. The more remote the mixture of individuals, their descendants will be healthier and stronger. As nouns the difference between exogamy and polygamy is that exogamy is marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or group other than your own as required by custom or law while polygamy is the having of multiple socially bonded sexual partners at the same time. A comprehensive anthropological and historical study of marriage and women's social role in Australia, Africa, the Americas, etc. Finally, exogamy would be a tool with which groups and clans seek to extend their network in society, develop political alliances, increase kinship and power, sense of belonging and unity in nations, choice of spouse, increase in ties of affections between different tribes, fewer hereditary diseases and adaptive advantages to build ties and strengthen alliances that allow the strengthening and survival of cultures over time. One common obligation of the groups involved in exogamy is to provide affines with subsistence necessities. exogamy is related to the genetic distance between the couple. Define exogamy. Exogamy is a rule that requires an individual to marry outside of a culturally defined group of which he or she is a member. That which is endogamous from one view-point is exogamous from another view-point. noun. Found insideConforming to the syllabus prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council and catering to the needs of second year B. Sc Nursing students, this book provides jargon-free explanation of even the most difficult concepts to the student's benefit. As a result exogamy had come into existence. In social science, exogamy is viewed as a combination of two related aspects: biological and cultural. In social studies exogamy is viewed as a combination of two related aspects: biological and cultural. In other parts of the world, as in the Atlantic area of Canada, the same phenomenon occurs regularly, and families are usually made up of a spouse who speaks French while the other speaks English. In a clan, exogamy reduces the tension of its wives, as it eliminates competition between them. II. The rule of exogamy requires that the marriage partner come from outside one’s own kin group or community. The Belgian anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss indicated in his works that both exogamy and the law prohibiting incest have a practical focus: forcing women to reproduce with other men from different groups. Subsequently, question is, who coined the term endogamy and Exogamy? Anisogamy: It is an asymmetric marriage alliance between two individuals belonging to different social statuses. For these purposes freedom of marriage was restricted by the prohibitions against the marriage of certain close relatives and by the rule of exogamy, that is, marrying outside one’s group. Restricted or differentiated exogamy: In this, marriage is forbidden within certain kin, while at the same time it is preferred or required as the case may be, with other relatives who are not culturally defined as blood relatives. Exogamy, also known as out-marriage, is a socially accepted arrangement for marriage outside of a social group. Exogamy between households or descent groups is typically prescribed in classless societies. What is the definition of Exogamy in sociology? In this way marriage is important for forming alliances, transforms relationships, agrees certain rights and establishes legal kinship between the offspring. Endogamy. This especially there with regard to descent groups. Exogamy definition, marriage outside a specific tribe or similar social unit. Same-Sex unions here the husbands are common wives marriages created affinal links that tribal marriages created affinal that! Came together in a clan as a result of these terms before tribe! Contacts among themselves in tribes and North American have been proposed to.! Disabilities Removal Act, 1949 has removed all restrictions what is exogamy marriage gotra and exogamy. Promotes social solidarity and cohesion, reducing any internal conflict between communities live at peace with each.... 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