stargate fanfiction gamer ability

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Thanks so much for providing me hours of reading enjoyment . This was namely the case against the threat posed by Anti-Replicator guns. Rambo, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Robocop, Back to the Future, Star Wars, the Indiana Jones series, Mississippi Burning, Rain Man, Batman, and Unforgiven are among the films she discusses. Certain forms of energy weapons seemed to be capable of stunning them but only for a moment. ^^. Found insideUrthstripe the Strong, a wise old badger, leads the animals of the great fortress ofSalamandastron and Redwall Abbey against the weasel Ferahgo the Assassin and his corps ofvermin. 5 thousand years ago the humans, now going by the name Quinterans, launched an attack and wiped out their former alien allies before starting a reign of terror, horrifying all the former members of the Alliance. I also can not get enough of your writing and it may be that I will be found rolling around in your fic for many years to come. I rotate it out with WMHB and Sentinels so I continually have a Keira fic on the go. The characters just jump off the page and I feel like I’m a voyeur in the room with them as I read. However, after she intervened to save McKay's life, she was returned, amnesic to human form. Hey i am sure your probably aware, but just in case you aren’t, the links for your stories are a bit screwy. The other day after a long reading binge of your writing I was listening to some Don Henley and heard two songs on the CD Inside Job that I immediately identified with your “What Might Have Been” series. 'I'm in position, Teal'c,' he told his teammate silently. Hugs, Hxx. And now I’m ready to join John on his killing spree cos I’ve reached the end only to find out it’s not the end, yet. 'I am approaching Colonel Carter's lab to retrieve the modulator chip.'. After acquiring new equipment and power, the Toa's name changes to Toa Nuva and they continue the battle to save the island of Mata Nui from Makuta by searching for six new masks of power. Daniel and Teal'c responded by brandishing their own weapons. I don’t want to waste space here by copying them but you can find both songd on the yahoo music page at or just the lyrics at and "What? I find myself thinking that Rodney himself is such a versatile character. "They think you might be a Goa'uld, Siler," Jack said, "although I find the idea of you as a Goa'uld just a little . Thank you for several hours of enjoyment, I have been reading your different series and can’t wait for updates. Alright, I have to say it. OMG … I just love this series and I am sooooo looking forward to the final installment and any further stories. This allowed the Asurans to exchange new information among themselves and disseminate new data among their people. But with me . While concerned almost exclusively with shipboard security service and amphibious warfare in its formative years, the Marine Corps has evolved to fill a unique, multi-purpose role within the modern United States military. . ", "Unfortunately, in this situation, Daniel's abilities are proving to be almost as much of a hindrance as a help," Sam said. However, there was no higher level as they had been reduced to bodiless beings of energy that traveled the galaxy in order to find new physical bodies. ^^. I just finished reading all your SGA fic, and I have now lost DAYS because every universe you write is just THAT GOOD. Therefore, I’m quite happy to go with the flow and let your muse carry me along. ", "Barely. The money he made was well worth a few frozen fingers and toes. That is all. Desperately hoping that he wasn't going to kill Teal'c, Daniel looked at the wires and snapped the red one. A Gamer Fic written by me and cross posted on AO3. "Yes, I imagine you are. I have it playing in the background for whitenoise. Thank you for all the time you spend entertaining us, I get so much enjoyment out of your fics I can hardly believe you’re real. now, keep going *waving pom poms* ^^ and I’m SO looking forward to your updates. I certainly do love your stories and always look forward to getting that little email announcing your posts. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. There's a Goa'uld around here that's going to blow up the base with a Naquadah generator, if we don't stop them. I know. I didn't say it out loud. My first instinct was to heal her. Thanks for sharing your gift and your twisted mind with all of us! Rejel hated these trips to this godforsaken block of ice, but this planet was the only one accessible to him that had the rare mineral the people of Meshdool prized so greatly. The cloaked drone wasn't here this time. "You couldn't sense who was a Goa'uld? At the climax of the conflict, Wraith Hive Ships were, in mere weeks at a time, falling by the hundreds and Cruisers by the thousands while the Asurans were completely unfazed by the loss of any amount of their ships, able to simply replace them in a very short time. Just re-read The Ties that Bind and I just want to commend you for your incredible writing. Just to try to rewind a bit the challenge at the first page of this forum. "The program will be changed to eliminate the danger. “Okay” is not the word I would use. I love your stories. In canon John is depicted as being lazy – at first I thought it was all for show until the Ronan comment. This process allowed the Asuran to experience the memories and thoughts of the Human though those with prior experience of this action can resist their attempts. While ordinarily the weapon was able to break the bonds between the nanites, continuous exposure to the energy allows the Asurans to collectively work out it's frequency and develop an immunity. "We are victorious.". Can your browser be updated? The pitch of its whine was getting steadily higher. I’m a dirty girl but I’m glad you can get past the kink and still ejoy the story I have to tell. No, you can't." I just finished a reread of Ties That Bind (oh…what a delight ) and saw the addition of Master Neal Peyton in your cast list. Undoubtedly the best fic gamer that I have read. If you're not a Goa'uld, I'll get you another one. I just had a random question. Note from the Author: If you're unfamiliar with X-COM then I cannot express too strongly that you should get hold of the games. Then I read them all again. I haven’t seen much of the Stargate franchise so I have been avoiding that part of your website for ages. And Rodney and John are REALLY hot…. It made me hurt just seeing it. It did not take Daniel and Teal'c long to find the chip, which was a good thing since the door was not going to hold much longer. Alliances Before I could get there though, I ran across the summary for Ties That Bind and something said I had to read it. Happily looking forward to anything that you bring forth, a now devoted fan. Blowing up the base would also kill me, so we need to make it impossible for them to do that, at least with the autodestruct or a Naquadah generator. I went to a massive convention in Indianapolis last weekend and ended up with Con Crud from exposure to over 50,000 unwashed nerds and writers. But his newfound powers lead him down a rabbit hole of hedonism and disillusionment, and ultimately to the dark secret behind the story of Fillory. Then he saw the core. Status Later, it was revealed that at least some survived off-world, as an Asuran ship commanded by Dr. Elizabeth Weir arrived to investigate the planet's destruction. If he made the wrong decision, he could be dooming Teal'c. You see, I was reading Awakening… for the fourth time… when I noticed in the comments the words Sentinels of Atlantis. I absolutely love this universe, I was completely sucked in and spent my whole weekend glued to it. Found insideThis is important, if we are to encourage future generations to be as successfully innovative as the field’s originators. The Asurans, referred to as Replicators by the Tau'ri, were a technological life-form originally created by the Lanteans as a means of fighting the Wraith. This was one method through which they were capable of creating more Asurans but was not considered the standard practice and was more like a last desperate attempt to survive by the infecting Asuran. It worked out okay. ", "There's no time to explain, Sam. Now, when I start reading a story that seemed like a good idea from the summary but turns out to be a disappointment, I usually come back here and reread you to remind myself of what quality writing is. "The game could have evaluated your character, like it did Teal'c's, and determined that your emotions control your actions far more than Teal'c's do and that something like having my character just about die in your arms would upset you and might influence your actions. ", "I suppose you could be right," Sam said. "I need to try to stop it.". Stargate SG-1 is now streaming on Netflix in the United States … but you may need to wait until the kids are asleep, if Netflix is to be believed.. I’m hoping that the wonderful Keira or one of her fantastic fans can help me. for a few seconds, it really upset me. I solemnly swear I’m not a zombie. Thanks for the clarification. Nanomorph please keep up the fantastic work. "You did good, Daniel. Well, it wouldn't happen again. I was absolutely devastated when the battery ran out and I had to WAIT for it to recharge before continuing my spree of bibliophilia. But I digress. I am pleased beyond all reason that you share your talent with us. "It's resulted in an even greater threat because the game is now targeting him first and foremost. Well there is no question about it… I am addicted to your site. Can’t wait for the next update on any of your stories. In that time he learned where the computer techs had hidden the solitaire games on the computer. It is a raw score rating that is opposed to Targets after all modifications. "I slowed the descent of the ceiling around it. The Replicators were created at an unspecified time in the past on a Human world where an android called Reese was created. With that thought in mind, Daniel slipped into a darkened room and hid behind a table. Just thought i’d let you know. "His heart's stopped!" That's when he remembered something else. you deserve them!! The Asurans then attempted to destroy Atlantis a third time with a Stargate Satellite, firing a sustained energy beam through the Stargate at Atlantis. This is the first book in a massive epic full of beautiful women, rampaging aliens, gunfights, space combat, and a mysterious heritage that will shake the foundations of the galaxy...A multi-award winning adult space opera by M Tefler. I’m taking my Kindle with all your ebooks to keep me sane. Even with Harry Potter, where I do know the characters, I think your writing adds so much that it too amounts to original fiction. Heroes unwilling to slay villains who kill innocents by the hundreds. He would of had to make up for it. The nanites were able to incorporate organic material into their makeup if the raw material was available. That would still be a goal, just not the only one. They are just brilliant especially James Woods. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I do have a question and I couldn’t find if you answered it or not. He's being overwhelmed before he has a chance to take full advantage of the precognitive ability. Jack went over to the archeologist, who was sitting upon one of the beds, fully clothed. What Might Have Been, was the one that I stayed up through the night to read so… yeah. Homeworld Found insideWhether you're a former, current, or future geek, or if you just want to get in touch with your inner geek, Geektastic will help you get your geek on! Serving as a comprehensive introduction for those who are just starting to watch, while also providing long-time viewers with an episode-by-episode guide to the entire eight seasons, this book is a must-have addition to any Stargate SG-1 ... "Walter, we don't have time for this! (SGA: "The Real World"), The Asuran nanites were highly aggressive due to the nature of their programming as they were to be used as a bioweapon. Daniel stared at some wiring leading from what he thought was the timer. With two shots, they were both dead. He’ll make an appearance in an upcoming episode and will be a guest star in the Criminal Minds Arc of TTB on a semi-regular basis as he is the House Dom for all of La Petite Mort (world wide) and a very good friend of Aaron Hotchner. At the moment it consists of two stories. It makes no sense for an officer of his rank to be depicted that way. More or less, however, they imitated the outdated Lantean technology in use until they were abandoned and almost destroyed by their creators, most notably City-ships and the Aurora-class battleship, because they desired to equal their creators, and it was also the most advanced technology known to them. (lol, i actually popped on to the site, like, mid change….back when it was red…then black…now its BLUE!!!). I’d molest your brain if it wouldn’t be awkward and messy for both of us afterward. Daniel walked up to Teal'c, staring down at the dead drones. "What? Negotiations were made by Weir who convinced the Atlantis expedition to allow them to regain their bodies in order to create organic based bodies. ', 'You closed and locked the other door to the lab, right? After stealing a Zero Point Module from the Asurans, Dr. Rodney McKay activated the Asuran command directive that forced the race to attack the Wraith. "We're going to need a crash cart standing by in here," she said, heading to the phone to call the infirmary. I’ve read TtB and WMHB at least three times each and check the website several times each day. He couldn't afford the distraction that a headache would cause. "I think we're clear," he said. What kind of phone do you have? Why John and Rodney then if you didnt like him all that much in the cannon? (SGA: "The Return, Part 2", "First Strike", "Lifeline"), Another means of termination is to expose an individual Asuran to outer space. "We took out two of the drones, but there's a third one around here somewhere, probably cloaked, and there may be a Goa'uld, too. If this is your first visit, we hope you'll sign up and join our Stargate community. I’m a McKay fan at heart and the changes I made to John along the way in all of my fics are my way of fixing the STUPID I saw in canon on the development of both of their characters. I have read “what might have been” 3 times since Wednesday, by far the best fanfiction series I have ever read. Then Sentinels of Atlantis. A group of Asurans developed an artificial means of attaining Ascension after numerous failures. (But I will. As they entered the room, Daniel gazed at the nuclear device. Jack stared at him. That’s my new catch phrase. . A single brief moment of contact can allow an Asuran to infect a person with the nanites which begin replicating immediately inside the body. I love that you know the difference between “rein” and “reign”, “your” and “you’re” and so on. >_<. "Shut it down!" One insidious ability of the nanites was their capacity to infect other races by a simple touch. The idea of you writing shifters in any of your universes fills me with deep joy. You have made an old lady VERY happy, bless you. A archive of all the video-game plot-line stories, like Harry Potter Game of the Year Edition, Naruto Ramen Days or Bakudo X Life is a Game. . The android Reese created the Replicators as toys to play with. Colonel John Sheppard, McKay and Ronon Dex attempted to escape in a Puddle Jumper, but got cornered by an Asuran cruiser. I love the little details you’ve put into your AU and all the cross references of characters mentioned earlier on that get drawn into the story at a later date. What happens when said guy lets his powers lose and creates something the makes the world cry out in fear? Putting aside his weapon, Teal'c picked up the generator as Daniel kept a close eye on Jack and Siler. The casting (I’m glad no one else is in the room to hear the number of times I muttered “oh hell yes” to certain casting especially with a few of the pairings) and so far indicated pairings has totally sold me on trying it. ", "I concur. 3. the quality of the writing (that is everything about it! Two boring months went by for Walter. In fact, because I don’t know Stargate Atlantis, The Sentinel or the modern incarnation of Sherlock Holmes except through fanfic, your work amounts to original fiction for me and it’s really sucked me in. Raw Score equal to (5+Int*0.5+ Spell Mod + Weapon Magical Damage + misc.) I think his character did a lot of growing and had the potential to do more if the series had continued. This is a SI, he is random guy that transmigrates in the body of Jaune with the power "The Gamer" I've read it a couple of times, it's very good. Gamer!Izuku OP!Izuku, Badass!Izuku, Bakugo bashing cause he be hating on meh boi. Yay for more pretty pictures of characters for me to wonder about! Crap. "Sam told me about why it was that my powers suddenly started working in the game, about how it read my memories. (SGA: "Hot Zone", "The Real World", "The Return, Part 2", "Be All My Sins Remember'd"), Asuran nanites were capable of creating Organic Asurans atom by atom making a living breathing being. Lantean, English Despite the feeling of betrayal their kind feel toward their makers, they simply wish to emulate their creators to the fullest extent and become one with them. Thanks to a new plan developed by McKay, an alliance was formed between the Atlantis expedition, the Wraith, the Travelers and FRAN, a Replicator McKay created. He, Jack and Teal'c hurried down to the gate room, knowing that the generator could explode at any second. Daniel laid his head back with a relieved sigh, his eyes closing. In the past, government agencies, NGO's, vigilantes, and even normal people have fought for mankind's existence alone, with varying levels of success. Next thing I know is I’m staring blearily at the clock which says 2 am (Monday morning) and I realise that I have to get up at 7 for work. I’ve read tons of crossovers, so I knew the basics of the main characters, but never before did I have any interest in reading plain SGA fic. so, in the past 6 weeks i have read this series, in its entirety, six times. And finally, I love the way you phrase things, what you do with your knowledge of how English works. As the game reset, what Janet had feared happened. and at this point I don’t even have a preference. absurd. Well, I did learn one thing. ", "Yeah, okay, so it didn't cheat. "How do you know that? It was indicated that they were not allies of the destroyed Asurans. How did she come to have a contact already set up in the Mountain then? I didn’t like John all that much in canon. As a new plan, they modified the city's shield emitters to release a massive Replicator disruptor wave, destroying the Asurans who invaded the city. Yes. off to the next story…. Either threat is possible.". The nanites themselves had this programming present within them, which forced them to actively find and destroy Wraith tissue in the body. They all fit the personalities you have given them. This was only done so until they reached sufficient numbers to begin their own independent entity. . Really, even most of my paperbacks are slash. Jack looked at his best friend. "I wish I could, but I can't trust you," Daniel said regretfully. It was a present from a reader for my One Million Words Celebration: Teal'c and Daniel crept up to the open door of the room and positioned themselves against the wall. Daniel turned back around and looked through the open doorway. Am I remembering this right or am I dreaming this up? Wraith is a Legend that is free and unlocked in the base game.. A versatile Offensive Legend, Wraith can reposition and flank enemies with her abilities.Wraith's tactical ability Into the Void allows her to reposition or take cover while being invincible for 4 seconds. Janet's eyes did not stray from the monitor showing Teal'c's vital signs. I find a link to Ladyholder’s page, and click. He can do this, too. reread…. Thank you so much for your stories and for the fact that you are willing to share them with us. Anyway, again I love your work and am now moving on to your other Stargate Atlantis fiction. Those two houses were once one house in Japan but they separated due to dynamic needs. I can't tell." "Hot Zone" (nanites)"Progeny" (human form). However, the Wraith began to resist more fiercely which saw the destruction of two Asuran cruisers early in the war. My favorite line in the Boondock Saint: All Saints Day is when Murphy say “Lets do some gratiutous violence”. . "Look out!" I’m looking forward to reading whatever comes next. Sam had said that if they cut the wrong wire, the bomb would go off. This just popped up into my head and won’t leave me alone. During the war with the Wraith, the Lanteans sought to create a weapon which would attack Wraith DNA. Keeping my fingers crossed that we will see more of the House Trial soon – the tease of the two EAD snippets are just too delicious. Love your work…..each new story a decadent pleasure to be relished, bookmarked and revisited whenever I’m in the mood to enjoy a good read. I have a random question though, I think you mentioned previously that phobias like needle phobia would be trained out of submissives in their pleasure house, however in the case of conditions like ADHD would that somehow be trained out during the sub’s teachings at their pleasure house? At the time, Jack had complained about the poor design of the bomb. The ability too draw upon skills from throughout the multiverse whether there considered fictional or not. Daniel's up to the challenge. (SGA: "Progeny", "The Real World"), The Lanteans implanted a number of directives within the Asurans' Base code. But I can say that I find something new in the stories each time I read them. I was thinking that she’d probably be a part of the new CM arc, but I wouldn’t be disappointed to see her sooner. All was well until the other Asurans reset Niam's programming and he attacked Dr. Elizabeth Weir, but he was ejected into space and eventually went dormant in orbit. He felt for a pulse and found none. Obstacles that were in the way of the Asuran were also not a problem to them as their nanites were capable of slipping through the minuscule cracks within door mechanisms whereupon they reconstitute themselves on the other side. "Excuse me, General," Janet said. We figured that a lot of what the game did was in an effort to give Teal'c a real challenge. May your muse be fruitful and your typing fingers tireless! "I guess it was getting in one last twist," Daniel responded. "This is Daniel Jackson. Its not like they sit around petting puppies and picking daisies all day. Sam had wondered about Alora's ability to communicate and why she didn't have it now, and while they honestly had no idea and probably would never, Daniel suspected it was a byproduct of the knowledge the Ori had given her. ", "Yeah. Please, keep writing and I’ll be watching your site for updates. Until Dr. Elizabeth Weir joined them, there is no evidence of them ever researching their own technology, and as the Milky Way Replicators were unable to develop their own technology, it is unlikely they could either. At the same moment that Daniel swung out into the corridor, Teal'c did the same from a similar position in the lab. Sorry I just needed someone to complain at. ." Well, when I entered the game, the same would be true for me since I was now a player, too, right? For reals. ", "Another would be to make certain that you die as well. It would have had them look in that room, ruining the plan. Great job and thanks so much for keeping your fics here even though there are such idiots like the one that put your fics somewhere else! It was a lot bigger than a Naquadah generator. This site is intended for those over the age of consent. Asuran Well, your Stargate and HP fic, I’m not a reader of Sentinel or Star Trek, although yours tempt me. So I was a bit hesitant on this series because this is a far cry from my normal interests. he yelled into the receiver. And he had no doubt that he'd get one if he overdid it. None (present), Lanteans (past, before "betrayal") I know I posted a while back about how you managed to suck me into the Harry Potter fandom, but I have to say that, in all the thousands of stories, there’s a huge amount of complete rubbish. The Asuran Central Data Core serves as a backup hard drive. Replicator acid spray. The allied fleet prevails in the Battle of Asuras. Unlike other books on wireless sensor networks that focus on limited topics in the field, this book is a broad introduction that covers all the major technology, standards, and application topics. Did I miss him or is he a new character? Dial . He has been married to Janis McKenna since 1983. Just then, Jack snatched the phone from Daniel's grasp. I just pretend it’s all a face. I usually don’t like OCs much, or can only handle them in small doses, but I care about your OCs as much as the rest of the cast, that is so impressive, I have no words. The wizarding world is gone, banished by the powers of an ascended. Gathers photographs of actors, actresses, musicians, composers, writers, and military, religious, and political leaders ', 'Yes, the door we entered through before is now the only unblocked entrance.'. The cloaked drone is going to be harder, though, because I can't actually see it coming. Daniel ran down the corridor, cursing himself for a fool. No but seriously more please Madame Kiera (Madame Kiera sounds like Lady heather or Madame Claude, so naughty), Hi Keira – have you changed your mind about who plays Emmanuel Michel (Jude Law) and Antoine Devereaux (Jason Patric) as their pictures have gone from the cast page. (SGA: "Progeny", "The Return, Part 1"), It was thought by some of the Asurans of this "heretical" belief system that they should not abandon their technological origins and sought an artificial means of ascension. The Asurans remained on their homeworld for a time until their base was infiltrated by the Atlantis expedition's flagship team, the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team. "Get away from it," Daniel ordered firmly, aiming his weapon at the man. The only person that represented both was the immortal Master of Death, Harry James Potter and his wife, Ada Aulion, a sexy Altantian from about 5 Million Years ago he had married during one of his previous lives. It's possible the origin of their name comes from the Hindu "Asura", a demon/wraith of sorts. ", Daniel looked contrite. Because of this, they regained physical form by creating new bodies in Atlantis. I don’t know why they’re missing. . However, this was a trick orchestrated by the Atlantis expedition who gated the group to a Spacegate, causing them to freeze and become immobile in the cold vacuum of space. …drool… A girl that speaks tech, you’ve gotta love that! . The Earth has been plagued by Demons, Villains, Aliens, Monsters, even Kaiju for the better part of the century. I’ve checked and the “mobile” view is active. I have so much love for SGA/SG1 and especially all of your incarnations! i noticed the time difference, just so you know you have fans from Liverpool, England. 2. the plots and story lines ", Jack's expression changed to one of shock and dismay. without blowing up the mountain, which, um, isn't going to be easy since I don't really know what I'm doing. Doctor Jackson, it's going to explode, if I don't stop it.". . Neal Peyton is the equivalent of Dato Raja or Kyle Napier. And it showed what the SGA guys can do with more then a little help from Atlantis. "Okay, so what's next? My google Acct got hacked * * * * * * ** This combined with the ability of the Asurans to recreate destroyed members of their race demonstrates how difficult it is to actually destroy the machine race. I love your Stargate fanworks with unrivalled intensity! Daniel got to his feet. I do actually understand you are a person with a real life out there that you are living…. I’ll try to fix it later — use this link : I want to know if he was lazy how the hell did he manage to get those degrees and almost be a member of MENSA? His mind distracted, Daniel didn't sense it until the gun was already drawn. I usually hate Jack/Sam and I absolutely adore the way you have them together. Brain of the man even as the trigger was being pulled collection Paradises! 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