medical abbreviation for pulse

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Our three health sciences colleges house eight different programs, all widely respected and highly competitive. 1. Oxygen saturation is a crucial measure of how well the lungs are working. spirits.q. triturate, grindTSD time since deathTSE testicular self-examinationTSH thyroid-stimulating hormonetTG antitransglutaminaseTUMA transurethral microwave antennaTUR transurethral resectionTURP transurethral resection of the prostateTx treatmentU a uranium; unit a UA urinalysisUC ulcerative colitisUE upper extremityUHF ultrahigh frequencyult. Your ideal heart rate at rest and during physical activity are very . 2 Laser Pulse Repetition Frequencies (prf) Used For Target Designation And Weapon Guidance. By incorporating valuable clinical information, such as indications, contraindications, complications, and discussions of surgical techniques and procedures, this book is a valuable resource for the busy practitioner and will be of interest ... Patients with recent symptoms of stroke or claudication should have pulses checked at the carotid, radial, femoral, popliteal, and posterior tibial arteries, to see whether any palpable evidence of arterial insufficiency exists at any of these locations. For example, use “international unit” instead of I.U.”; “every day” instead of “q.d.”; “every other day” instead of “q.o.d.”; and “unit” instead of “U.”., Table 1: Comparison of PFI in test and control groups Gender n Test Control Male 30 111.41[+ or -]13.90 82.07[+ or -]10.55 Female 30 95.50[+ or -]7.42 58.12[+ or -]12.71 Total 60 103.46[+ or -]14.24 69.60[+ or -]16.37 Table 2: Comparison of resting, In this paper, a vital sign monitor was proposed for patient monitoring that simultaneously measures, In our study, the majority of the donors were deferred for high. Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) refers to cardiac arrest in which the electrocardiogram shows a heart rhythm that should produce a pulse, but does not.Pulseless electrical activity is found initially in about 55% of people in cardiac arrest. Pulse Oximetry: Measured using a pulse oximeter. Found inside – Page 114Because the pulse oximeter measures the oxygen saturation of peripheral capillaries, the abbreviation SpO2 (saturation of peripheral oxygen) is used to ... a four times a dayq.l. It is indicative of low arterial tension and is noted in fevers. som, h.s. extensor; externalF Fahrenheitf femaleFA fatty acidF and E fluid and electrolyteFAP familial adenomatous polyposisFBS fasting blood sugarFD fatal dose; focal distanceFDA (U.S.) Food and Drug AdministrationFe ironFEV forced expiratory volumeFFP fresh frozen plasmaFHT fetal heart toneFISH fluorescence in situ hybridizationfl. applyad sat. mane vel noc. tert. wt. The perfusion index varies depending on patients . It focuses on a specific injury or medical complaint. © 2000–2021 Unbound Medicine, Inc. All rights reserved, TY - ELEC A pulse with three separate expansions during each heartbeat. CHIRP (an acronym for Compressed High-Intensity Radiated Pulse) is a game-changing technology that has been used by the military for decades in both radar and sonar. The risk of AF increases markedly with age. Found inside – Page 492Abbreviation for pulvis . pulse or heart ; to throb . Pulverization ( pul ' ' ver - ey - zay'shun ) . The Pulsatile ( pul ' sa - til ) . As the heart pushes blood through the arteries, the arteries expand and contract with the flow of the blood. every third daydil. Physical symptoms of heat stroke include a body temperature of 105 degrees or above; absence of sweating; hot, red skin; rapid, shallow breathing; and a weak. maneq. refers to the use of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths in the so-called radio. A pulse wave with two small notches on the descending portion. if necessaryS/P no change afterSPECT single-photon emission computed tomographysp gr specific gravitySPF skin protection factorsph sphericalspt. Perfusion index is an indication of the pulse strength at the sensor site. 340: 155.340 radio frequency, ambulance to hosp. Normally it is undulating and scarcely palpable. temperature, pulse, respirations (acronym) tx: treatment (abbreviation) UA or u/a: urinalysis (abbreviation) URI: upper respiratory infection (acronym) UTI: urinary tract infection (acronym) VS or vs: vital signs (acronym) w/c: wheelchair (abbreviation) Leslie Lehnhoff. every 3 hoursq.4h. Usually caused by fear, panic, or anxiety. write on labelSJS Stevens-Johnson syndromeSLE systemic lupus erythematosusSLP speech-language pathologySn tinSNF skilled nursing facilitySNRI serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorSNS sympathetic nervous systemSOB shortness of breathsol solution, dissolveds.o.s. to be taken three times dailyTe tellurium; tetanusTEE transesophageal echocardiogramTEN toxic epidermal necrolysisTENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulationTG thyroglobulinTh thoriumTHR total hip replacementTIA transient ischemic attackTIBC total iron-binding capacityt.i.d. A pulse wave with two small notches on the ascending portion. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 24th Edition Online + App from F.A. %&'−!! PULSE is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary A pulse recorded near the origin of the carotid or subclavian arteries. M A P {\displaystyle MAP} is normally between 65 and 110 mmHg. "Medical Abbreviations.". accommodationA/CA accommodative/convergence accommodation ratioACE angiotensin-converting enzymeACh acetylcholineAChE acetylcholinesteraseAChR acetylcholine receptorACLS advanced cardiac life supportACTH adrenocorticotropic hormoneAD advance directivead to; up toADH antidiuretic hormoneADHD attention deficit-hyperactivity disorderADL, ADLs activities of daily livingad lib. jointK potassiumkg kilogramKI potassium iodineKOH potassium hydroxideKS Kaposi sarcomaKUB kidney, ureter, and bladderkv kilovoltKVO keep vein openL literL&D labor and deliverylab laboratorylat laterallb poundLBW low birth weightLD50 lethal dose, medianLDH lactate dehydrogenaseLDL low-density lipoproteinLE lower extremity; lupus erythematosusLEEP loop electrosurgical excision procedureLFT liver function testLGA large for gestational ageLH luteinizing hormoneLi lithiumlig ligamentliq. Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive study that provides continuous readings of arterial blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) using a sensor site (earlobe or fingertip). posteriorPP placenta previa PPD purified protein derivative (TB test)ppm parts per millionp.r. internalIOP intraocular pressureIPPB intermittent positive pressure breathingIQ intelligence quotientIRV inspiratory reserve volumeI.U. It enables assessment of the patient's haemodynamic status to guide fluid or vasoactive drug therapy. To view other topics, please log in or purchase a subscription. every morning or nightomn. Clear and effortless. A pulse with alternating weak and strong pulsations. A pulse felt or heard over the part of the chest wall that lies over the apex of the heart. Over 2500 entries to common medical abbreviations normally found on patients' charts in hospitals. Entry gives abbreviation, full form, and occasionally an explanatory note. More Medical Abbreviations. In children, the heart rate tends to be very high. P—pulse P & A—percussion and auscultation PAC —premature atrial contraction palp—palpation PAR —post-anesthesia room PAT —paroxysmal atrial tachycardia pc—after meals pCO2—partial pressure of carbon dioxide PDR—physician's desk reference PE—physical exam, pulmonary embolism PEDS—pediatrics per—by or through drinkb.i.d., bid twice a dayb.i.n. hor. A venous pulse felt over the suprasternal notch. medical abbreviation for Ocular Sinister (Left eye) P. P medical abbreviation for Pulse PAC medical abbreviation for premature atrial contraction PALS medical abbreviation for Pediatric Advanced Life Support Under normal circumstances, electrical activation of muscle cells precedes mechanical contraction of the heart (known as electromechanical coupling). weight in volumex multiplied byy yocto-yo years oldyr yearZ atomic numberZn zinc, † To avoid errors in the administration of medications and infusions, spell out the word instead of using the indicated abbreviation. Found insidePULSE: An artery that pulsates in conjunction with the heartbeat ... approximately 70 beats per minute. PULSE OXIMETRY: See “oximetry”. The perfusion index varies depending on patients . A visible pulsation in the capillaries under the nails. Pulse is barely palpable. Pulse Amplitude Modulation. Abia is an acronym from the four main groups of people in the state as at the time it was formed in 1991: Aba Bende Isuikwuato Afikpo. PULSE: Persons United Limiting Substandards and Errors (patient advocacy group) PULSE: People United to Lead the Struggle for Equality: PULSE: Post-Resuscitation and Initial Utility in Life Saving Efforts: PULSE: Program for Understanding Leadership, Service and Exchange: PULSE: Preparing Underrepresented Leaders in Special Education: PULSE A pulse due to expansion of veins of the liver at each ventricular contraction. 3TC: Lamivudine (Epivir) (1 part of triple therapy for HIV) 5-HT: 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) At DMU, we enable our students to make a tangible difference in the world. Read this chapter of Respiratory: An Integrated Approach to Disease online now, exclusively on AccessMedicine. Matthew Kotowski, support operations manager . night and morningnon rep; n.r. Palpation occurs at various locations of the . Found inside – Page 47Learn the standard medical abbreviations your agency uses. ... abd abdomen ac, AC before meals ad lib as desired am morning amb ambulate AP apical pulse ... The resting pulse is faster, for example, in febrile patients, anemic or hypovolemic persons, persons in shock, and patients who have taken drugs that stimulate the heart, such as theophylline, caffeine, nicotine, or cocaine. alt. to be taken tomorrow nightCO carbon monoxide; cardiac outputCO2 carbon dioxideCo cobaltc/o complains ofCOLD chronic obstructive lung diseasecomp. halvedDISIDA (scan) diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (cholescintigraphy)DJD degenerative joint diseaseDKA diabetic ketoacidosisdL deciliterDM diabetes mellitusDMARD disease-modulating antirheumatic drugDNA deoxyribonucleic acidDNH do not hospitalizeDNR do not resuscitateDOA dead on arrivalDOB date of birthDOE dyspnea on exertionDPat diphtheria-acellular pertussis tetanus (vaccine)DPT diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (vaccine)dr. dramDRE digital rectal examinationDRG diagnosis-related group DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision DTR deep tendon reflex(es)DTs delirium tremensdur. Basically, pulse oximetry is a painless, noninvasive method of measuring the saturation of oxygen in a person's blood. decub. This abnormal heartbeat is called an arrhythmia. tincture TRAP criteria tremor, rigidity, akinesia or postural instablity bradykinesia, and postural instability Treg regulatory T cell trit. toxin-antitoxinTB tuberculin; tuberculosis; tubercle bacillusTb terbiumt.d.s. capsuleC&S culture and sensitivitycath catheterCBC complete blood countCBI continuous bladder irrigationCBRNE chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agentsCBT cognitive behavioral therapyCC chief complaintcc cubic centimeterCCl 4 carbon tetrachlorideCCU coronary care unit; critical care unitCD4 T-helper cellsCD8 cytotoxic cellsCDC Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCEA carcinoembryonic antigenCF cystic fibrosis; Christmas factorCFTR cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulatorcg centigramCHD congenital heart disease; coronary heart diseaseChE cholinesteraseCHF congestive heart failureCI cardiac indexCi curieCIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasiaCIS carcinoma in situCK creatine kinaseCK-MB serum creatine kinase, myocardial-boundCl chlorineCLL chronic lymphocytic leukemiacm centimeterc.m.s. Visible inflow and outflow of blood from the nailbed. as much as neededqt quartq.v. triturate, grind TSD time since death TSE testicular self-examination TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone tTG antitransglutaminase TUMA transurethral . WB. compound; compounded ofCOMT catechol-O-methyltransferaseCOPD chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOX-2 cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitorsCP cerebral palsy; cleft palateCPAP continuous positive airway pressureCPC clinicopathologic conferenceCPD cephalopelvic disproportionCPHSS Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke ScaleCPK creatine phosphokinaseCPM continuous passive motionCPR cardiopulmonary resuscitationCR conditioned reflex; controlled release; crown-rump lengthCREST calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia (cluster of features of systemic sclerosis scleroderma)CRP c. reactive proteinCRS-R Conners Rating Scales-RevisedCS cardiogenic shock; cesarean section; culture and sensitivityCSF cerebrospinal fluid; colony-stimulating factorCSH combat support hospitalCT computed/computerized tomographyCu copperCV cardiovascularCVA cardiovascular accident; cerebrovascular accident; costovertebral angleCVC central venous catheterCVP central venous pressureCVRB critical value read backCVS chorionic villi samplingCXR chest x-rayD diopter; doseD5/0.9 NaCl 5% dextrose and normal saline solution (0.9% NaCl)D5/½ /NS 5% dextrose and half-normal saline solution (0.45% NaCl)D5W 5% dextrose in waterd density; right/d per dayD and C dilatation and curettagedB decibelDBP diastolic blood pressureDC direct current; doctor of chiropracticdc discontinueDerm dermatologydet. !"= !! In oriental medicine, palpation on the wrist is the primary method used. Intermittent subjective sensations of light that accompany the heartbeat. A normal resting heart rate should be between 60 to 100 beats per minute, but it can vary from minute to minute. A pulse in which the sphygmogram shows a simple ascending and descending uninterrupted line and no dicrotism. CHIRP technology began filtering down to recreational sonars in about 2009. If a decreased pulse is detected, further evaluation might include ultrasonography or assessments of the ankle brachial index. Acronym Definition; PR: Pair: PR: Public Relations: PR: Puerto Rico (US postal abbreviation) PR: Press Release: PR: Purchase Request: PR: Paris: PR: Paraná (Brazilian state) PR: Partial (METAR descriptor) PR: They use an integrated circuit to control the . Found inside – Page 377Pulse oximetry provides the physician with information on a patient's ... the abbreviation SpO2 (saturation of peripheral oxygen) is used to record the ... Patients who are lightheaded or dizzy or who notice palpitations may have detectable premature beats or other pulse irregularities (e.g., the irregularly irregular pulse of atrial fibrillation). A PVR study is a noninvasive vascular test in which blood pressure cuffs and a hand-held ultrasound device (called a Doppler or transducer) are used to obtain information about arterial blood flow in the arms and legs. Found insidesaturation and pulse rate (SpO 2 ). B, A pulse oximeter displays the oxygen saturation and pulse rate as a digital reading. The abbreviation SpO 2 is usedto ... More generally, clinicians frequently measure patients' SpO2 during simple checkups because it is a fast, easy way to flag potential health concerns or rule out . British PharmacopeiaBPH benign prostatic hyperplasiabpm beats per minuteBRM biologic response modifierBROW barley, rye, oats, and wheatBSA body surface areaBSE breast self-examinationBUN blood urea nitrogenBW birth weight; body weightBx biopsyC Calorie (kilocalorie); Celsiusc calorie (small calorie) c withCA coronary arteryca. dest. 6- 4 ACRONYMS USED DURING PATIENT ASSESSMENT MOI - stands for mechanism of injury AVPU - used to classify the patient's mental status: • A = awake, alert, and oriented • V = alert to voice, but not oriented • P = alert to painful stimuli only • U = unresponsive to voice or painful stimuli CUPS - used as an additional tool to prioritize the patient for transport: oilom. As a thank-you for using our site, here's a discounted rate for renewal or upgrade. (Also read Chapter 17, Pulse, and Chapter 20, Carotid Pulse.) subcutaneous(ly)Sr strontiumss a halfSSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorSSS sick sinus syndromest. Start studying Medical abbreviation. hyperventilation. Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV) for Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy ! superficialSV stroke volume; supraventricularSVC superior vena cavaSx symptomssyr. through the vaginaPVC premature ventricular contractionPVR peripheral vascular resistanceq everyq.d.† every dayQFT-G QuantiFERON-TB Goldq.h. 340: 155.340 radio frequency, ambulance to hosp. >30 for infants and newborns. This weak wave should not be counted as a regular beat. A pulse rate obtained while an individual is at rest and calm. the last orderedUmb; umb umbilicusung. dyspnea. Also known as heart rate, pulse rate is the number of times an individual heartbeat per minute. Between episodes of PSVT, the heart rate is normal (60 to 100 bpm). Starting Letter : W . But what, exactly, is it? Intended for those working in medical records, this pocket guide lists 14,000 current acronyms, symbols, and abbreviations, and their 20,000 possible meanings. A pulse in which two regular beats are followed by a longer pause. orallyPOLST physician orders for life-sustaining therapypost. let it be givenDEXA dual-energy x-ray absorptiometryDFV Doppler flow velocimetryDHT dihydrotestosteroneDI diabetes insipidusDIC disseminated intravascular coagulationdieb. standard errorSe seleniumSed rate sedimentation ratesemih. a mixtureml milliliterMLD minimum lethal doseMLF medial longitudinal fasciculusMM mucous membrane; multiple myelomamm millimetermm Hg millimeters of mercurymMol millimoleMMR measles-mumps-rubella (vaccine)MMSE Mini-Mental Status ExaminationMn manganesemol wt molecular weightmor. A decrease in the strength of the pulse (and of systolic blood pressure) during inspiration, a condition that may be esp. half an hourSERM selective estrogen receptor modulatorSGA small for gestational ageSI international system of unitsSi siliconSIADH syndrome of inappropriate diuretic hormoneSIDS sudden infant death syndromeSig. Learn from industry experts and hone your skills while working on challenging projects with dynamic Clients around the globe. Your pulse rate, also known as your heart rate, is the number of times your heart beats per minute. flexorFld fluidFP family practice; family practitionerFSH follicle-stimulating hormoneFTT failure to thriveFUO fever of unknown originG, g, gm gramGABA gamma-aminobutyric acidGABAB gamma-aminobutyric acid type B GABRB3 GABAA receptor genegarg gargleGB gallbladder; Guillain-BarréGC gonococcus or gonorrhealGDM gestational diabetes mellitusGDS Geriatric Depression ScaleGERD gastroesophageal reflux diseaseGFR glomerular filtration rateGGT gamma-glutamyl transferaseGH growth hormoneGI gastrointestinalGnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormoneGP general practitionerG6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenasegr graingrad by degreesGRAS generally recognized as safeGSW gunshot woundGTT glucose tolerance testGtt, gtt dropsGU genitourinaryguttat. What does PULSE abbreviation stand for? dict. However large screened and different models also available but this . A pulse felt when the force and frequency are the same (i.e., when the length of beat and number of beats per minute and the strength are the same). As pulse is defined as the pressure of blood generated with one beat. every other daydieb. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. RADAR is an acronym for Radio Detection And Ranging. This is produced by the pulse of the abdominal aorta. Found inside – Page 51The “ within normal limits ” phrase ( typically abbreviated as “ WNL ” ) is ... “ HR , ” “ pulse , ” or “ P ” ( usually in the context of describing the ... We've got 3 shorthands for Pulse Rate » What is the abbreviation for Pulse Rate? Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. triturate, grind TSD time since death TSE testicular self-examination TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone tTG antitransglutaminase TUMA transurethral . The term "radio". The normal resting pulse rate for humans is usually around 60 to 100 beats per minute. Operation options include several modes for the green laser (steady-on, pulse. It is a finding in patients with aortic regurgitation when their fingernails or toenails are gently depressed by the examiner's finger. Found inside – Page 36Prescriptions are usually written using standard medical abbreviations. ... pulse (heart rate), respiration (rate of breathing) circ—circumference m—meter, ... An apical pulse rate is typically considered abnormal in an adult if it's above 100 beats per minute (bpm) or below 60 bpm. as much as wantedqns quantity not sufficientq.o.d. After 30 days, you will automatically be upgraded to a 1-year subscription at a discounted rate of $29.95, Type your tag names separated by a space and hit enter, A accommodation; acetum; angström unit; anode; anteriora artery a beforeA2 aortic second soundaa of each; arteriesAAA abdominal aortic aneurysmabd abdominal/abdomenABG arterial blood gasABI ankle-brachial indexABO three basic blood groupsAC adrenal cortex; air conduction; alternating current; axiocervical a.c., ac before a mealacc. Davis and Unbound Medicine. Found inside – Page 281Respiration and Pulse Oximetry Directions: Match each key term with its ... Pulse oximetry L. Abbreviation for the percentage of hemoglobin that is ... Download to iPhone, iPad, and Android. a every other dayq.p. as directedmor. do not repeatNPN nonprotein nitrogenNPO; n.p.o. A pulse with a short, quick systolic wave. TPR temperature, pulse, and respiration tr, tinct. A peripheral pulse refers to the palpation of the high-pressure wave of blood moving away from the heart through vessels in the extremities following systolic ejection. A pulse that may be stopped by moderate digital compression. Synonym: A pulse in which a series of oscillations is felt with each beat. A pulse in a vein, esp. Found insideA pulse in a vein, esp. one of the large veins near the heart, ... An abnormally slow pulse. pulv (pŭlv) [L. pulvis, powder] An abbreviation for powder, ... PWM fans and/or pumps are found in some CPU coolers and GPU (aka graphics card) coolers. nothing by mouthNRC normal retinal correspondenceNS normal salineNSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugNSR normal sinus rhythmN&V, N/V nausea and vomitingO pintO2 oxygenOB obstetricsOC oral contraceptiveOCD obsessive-compulsive disorderO.D. Synonym: A pulse showing one or more secondary waves on the descending limb of the main wave. as neededpro time/PT prothrombin timePSA prostate-specific antigenPSV prostate-specific antigenPT prothrombin time; physical therapyPt platinum; patientpt pintPTT partial thromboplastin timePu plutoniumPUBS percutaneous umbilical blood samplingPUVA psoralen ultraviolet Ap.v. Noninvasive means the procedure does not require the use of needles, dyes . ointmentURI upper respiratory infectionUS ultrasonic, ultrasoundUSAN United States Adopted NameUSP United States Pharmacopeiaut. prominent in severe asthma, cardiac tamponade, obstructive sleep apnea, croup, and other conditions that alter pressure relationships within the chest. A pulse in which beats vary in force. every 4 hoursq.i.d. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is a device that detects any life-threatening, rapid heartbeat. tinctureTRAP criteria tremor, rigidity, akinesia or postural instablity bradykinesia, and postural instabilityTreg regulatory T celltrit. CIA Medical is a global distributor of large volume wholesale medical & surgical products and equipment. weightw/v. sol. The pulse rate is a measurement of the heart rate. praes. The four defects are: Ventricular septal defect (VSD) − a hole between the right and left pumping chambers of the heart. pharmacyPI present illness; previous illnessPICC peripherally inserted central catheterPID pelvic inflammatory diseasePIH pregnancy-induced hypertensionpil. Some of the known causes of AF include chronic high blood pressure, heart valve diseases and hyperthyroidism. A Taber's Online subscription is required to, General Patient Care Concerns (or General Supportive Care), Professional Designations and Titles in the Health Sciences. It is a small, portable, and clip-like device, runs on a battery. The shock changes the rhythm back to normal. PWM stands for pulse width modulation. Log in using your existing username and password to start your free, 30-day trial of the app, 3. Pulse 60-80 per min for adults. In healthy people this is roughly located at the left mid-clavicular line in the fourth intercostal space. A pulse showing a secondary wave on the ascending limb of the main wave. Found insideEach contains clinical data items from the history, physical examination, and laboratory investigations that are generally included in a comprehensive patient evaluation. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR Found inside – Page 457... assessed and heart Oximetry SpO with rate of 2 values hemoglobin each are is X abbreviation as measured SpO2 is by used pulse to oximindiX displayed on ... Normal Vital Signs. Pulse rate - How is pulse rate abbreviated? Found insideEffective communication plays an important role in all medical settings, so turn to this trusted volume for nearly any medical abbreviation you might encounter. Symbols section makes it easier to locate unusual or seldom-used symbols. Nursing Central combines Taber’s with a medical dictionary, disease manual, lab guide, and useful tools. against medical adviceAMI acute myocardial infarctionAML acute myelogenous (myeloblastic) leukemiaAMLS Advanced Medical Life Supportamp ampule; amputationANA antinuclear antibodyanat anatomy or anatomicANNA anti-neuronal nuclear antibodyANP atrial natriuretic peptideant. a pulse with a decreased volume that feels weak and thin. STANAG 3733 Ed. tincture TRAP criteria tremor, rigidity, akinesia or postural instablity bradykinesia, and postural instability Treg regulatory T cell trit. In patients complaining of chest pain, pulses should be assessed in at least two extremities (e.g., both radial arteries). as directedUTI urinary tract infectionUV ultravioletv veinVA visual acuityVC vital capacityVD venereal diseaseVDRL Venereal Disease Research LaboratoriesVF ventricular fibrillationVf field of visionVLBW very low birth weightVLDL very low density lipoproteinVMA vanillylmandelic acidVOE VistA-Office Electronic Health Recordvol. systems typically use wavelengths on the order of 10 cm, corresponding to frequencies. bedtimeHPI history of present illnessHPV human papillomavirusHR heart rateHRT hormone replacement therapyHSIL high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesionHSV herpes simplex virusHTLV-III human T lymphotropic virus type IIIHTN hypertensionhx, Hx historyHy hyperopiaHz hertz (cycles per second)I iodine 131I radioactive isotope of iodine (atomic weight 131) 132I radioactive isotope of iodine (atomic weight 132)I&O intake and outputIBW ideal body weightIC inspiratory capacityICD implantable cardioverter defibrillatorICP intracranial pressureICS intercostal spaceICSH interstitial cell-stimulating hormoneICU intensive care unitId. Overriding aorta − the aortic valve is enlarged and appears to arise from both the . Best detected when the arm is held aloft. A strong pulse on the right side with a weak one on the left may suggest an aortic dissection or a stenosis of the left subclavian artery. the sameIDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitusIDM infants of diabetic mothersIED improvised explosive deviceIg immunoglobulinIgE immunoglobulin EIgG immunoglobulin GIL-1 interleukin 1IL-8 interleukin 8IM intramuscularin d. dailyINF interferoninf. note wellnCi nanocurieNDC National Drug CodeNG, ng nasogastricNGT nasogastric tubeNH3 ammoniaNi nickelNICU neonatal intensive care unitNIDDM noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitusNIH National Institutes of HealthNK natural killerNKA no known allergiesNMDA N-methyl D-aspartateNMJ neuromuscular junctionNMS neuroleptic malignant syndromenn nervesnoct. Vital signs are useful in detecting or monitoring medical problems. We would very much appreciate you whitelisting us or using this link when you shop on Amazon (no impact on your order). IMAIOS and selected third parties, use cookies or similar technologies, in particular for audience measurement. DB - Taber's Online A pulse marked by two systolic peaks on the pulse waveform. injectionINR international normalized ratioinstill.

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