fusilade forte herbicide

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Fluazifop-P. Activity Group: Group 1 Herbicide. Yates 5L Zero Aqua Herbicide Concentrate. An irrigation or an effective rainfall must occur immediately before or after spraying if these conditions exist. Can kill many grass species including Couch and Kikuyu from ornamental shrubs and trees for situations listed on the label only. Brlo brzo korovske biljke prstaju da rastu i razvijaju se, ali vidljivi efekti delovanja u vidu početne promene boje nastupaju nakon 7 . FUSILADE FORTE 128 EC Herbicide is a member of the aryloxyphenoxypropionate group of herbicides. FUSILADE® Forte je selektivni translokacioni herbicid sa kontaktnim delovanjem, za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih travnih korova u ratarskim usevima, voću i povrću. Fusilade Forte 128EC Herbicide. FUSILADE FORTE 128 EC HERBICIDE Page 4 of 4 / V1 Low toxicity to birds - mallard duck LD 50 > 3528 mg/kg. Simptomi delovanja herbicida su vidljivi nakon par dana, a do potpunog propadanja korova dolazi nakon 14-21 dana. Fusilade Forte 128EC is a selective herbicide that controls both annual and perennial grasses in various situations including crops, orchards, vegetables and ornamental garden beds. POTATOES 15 cm or less in heightWeeds Controlled: Annual (Wimmera) Ryegrass, Annual Phalaris, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass, Brome Grasses, Crowsfoot Grass, Liverseed Grass, Stinkgrass, Summer Grass (Crabgrass), Volunteer Cereals, Wild Oats. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental broadleaf herbicide is a selective post-emergent herbicide that controls a long list of perennial and annual grass weeds in turf and landscaped areas. Critical Comments: Does not control Blady Grass (Imperata cylindrica).Repeat spray may be necessary if grasses are more advanced. Found inside – Page 383Influence of application date ( T - 3 and T - 4 ) of herbicides on S. ... liści leaf chlorosis Fusilade Forte 150 EC 2,51 T - 3 zasychanie liści Tabela 4. $ 139.95. or 4 fortnightly payments of $ 34.99 with More info. Critical Comments: Use the higher rate for more established weed infestations.Thoroughly wet target weeds.Always follow critical comments for specific crops. Weeds Controlled: Plants of: Carpet Grass, Couch Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Paspalum and Water Couch re-established from seed or fragmented stemsWeed Stage: Growing actively with 3 to 6 leaves per shoot, less than 2 months old and establishing from seed or fragmented stemsRate/ha: 1.24 LWeed Stage: Beyond the 6 leaf stageRate/ha: 1.65 LState: Qld, NT onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: 17 weeksGrazing: 7 weeksCritical Comments: Apply in not less than 100 L/ha. Fusilade Forte is a post-emergent systemic herbicide, very active in combating annual and perennial grass weeds in broad-leafed crops. See all. Use higher volumes of spray to achieve full coverage of dense, vigorous weed infestations.Band spraying: Ensure sufficient coverage by using 2 nozzles (one either side of the plant row) when the crop is beyond the 2 leaf stage.Aerial ApplicationFlying height, pressure, nozzle size and positioning of the aircraft should be such to minimise spray drift. Fusilade Forte 128EC is highly effective on grasses and rapidly absorbed by the plant. FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitors of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of action. . Found inside – Page 242... used herbicides viz., pyridate (Lentagran 45 WP®, 45% a. i., Belchim Crop Protection), fluazifop-P-butyl (Fusilade Forte® 150 EC, 15% a. i., Syngenta), ... FUSILADE® FORTE osim odlične efikasnosti, poseduje i vrhunsku selektivnost po gajeni usev u kojem se primenjuje. Ne preporuča se mješanje sa drugim sredstvima. (function(d, s, id) { FUSILADE FORTE can be safely applied over the top of a wide range of broadleaf crops, trees and ornamentals. LEUCAENAWeeds Controlled: Seedlings of perennial grasses onlyWeed Stage: -Rate/ha: 1.65 LState: Qld onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: 17 weeksGrazing:  7 weeks, Weeds Controlled: Pasture grasses re-growing from seed or fragmented stemsWeed Stage: -Rate/ha: 3.3 LState: Qld onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: 17 weeksGrazing:  7 weeks. Weeds Controlled: Annual (Wimmera) Ryegrass, Annual Phalaris, Barley Grass, Brome Grasses, Johnson Grass (seedling), Panicum sp., Paspalum, Volunteer Cereals, Wild OatsWeed Stage: Growing actively at 5 leaf to early tilleringRate/ha: 1.65 LState: All StatesWithholding Period: Harvest:Broad Beans 5 weeks,Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower 6 weeks, Capsicums 11 weeks, Carrots 7 weeks,Celery 8 weeks,Green Beans 5 weeks, Lettuce, Tomatoes 4 weeksGrazing: Broad Beans, Green Beans 7 weeksBroccoli, Brussels Sprouts,Cabbage, Capsicums, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce, Tomatoes -Critical Comments: Apply in not less than 200 L/ha. Fusilade Forte 128EC is a strong post-emergent herbicide that controls a wide range of both annual grasses and perennial grasses in various situations including crops, orchards, vegetables and also garden beds. Found insideDiscussions focus on persistence, bound residues, plant uptake, short residual residues, and eliminating pesticide residues. The text is a dependable reference for readers interested in the effects of pesticide use on the quality of soil. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by FUSILADE FORTE or other Group A herbicides.Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of FUSILADE FORTE to control resistant weeds. Very effective in killing Couch Grasses in garden beds! u usevima, odnosno zasadima soje . pišite, zovite, pitajte za SAVET   »». Fusilade Forte Label (130.86 KB) Fusilade Forte SDS (124.02 KB) Fusilade Forte Haznote (88.87 KB) SUNFLOWERSWeeds Controlled: Barnyard Grass, Crowsfoot Grass, Innocent Weed, Johnson Grass (seedling), Liverseed Grass, Panicum sp., Rhodes Grass, Stinkgrass, Summer Grass (Crabgrass), Wild OatsWeed Stage: Growing actively at 5 leaf to early tilleringRate/ha: 1.65 LState: All StatesWithholding Period: Harvest: 14 weeksGrazing:  14 weeksCritical Comments: As above. Fusilade Forte 128EC is a selective herbicide that controls both annual and perennial grasses in various situations including crops, orchards, vegetables and ornamental garden beds. Analysis: 128g/L Fluazifop-P Product Details: FUSILADE FORTE provides powerful, post-emergent control of many annual grasses and certain perennial grasses in dozens of horticultural crops, ornamentals and nursery trees. Use the lower spot spraying application rate when targeting grass weeds that are growing actively at the 5 leaf to early tillering stage. Weed growth and hence competition with the crop stops within 48 hours. Fluazifop. For weed resistance management FUSILADE FORTE is a Group A herbicide. Weeds Controlled: As above plus: Innocent WeedWeed Stage: Growing actively at 5 leaf to early tilleringRate/ha: 1.24 LState: Qld, NSW, Vic, NT onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: 17 weeksGrazing: 7 weeksCritical Comments: As above. More recently, developments in molecular biology have provided information about herbicide action at the genetic level. Less well understood are the toxicological aspects of herbicide activity that culminate in plant injury or death. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide is rainfast in one hour. The higher spot spray application rate should be used when targeting established and actively FORAGE CROPS, SEED CROPS Axillaris, Bargoo Jointvetch, Creeping Vigma, Glen Jointvetch, Greenleaf Desmodium, Kenya White Clover, Lotus, Pinto Peanut, Shrubby Stylo, Silverleaf Desmodium, Wynn CassiaWeeds Controlled: Barnyard Grass, Crowsfoot Grass, Liverseed Grass, Rhodes Grass, Stinkgrass, Summer Grass (Crabgrass)Weed Stage: Growing actively at the 3 to 5 leaf stage before tillering commencesRate/ha: 820 mLState: Qld onlyWithholding Period:Harvest: -Grazing: 7 weeks, Weeds Controlled: As above plus: Giant Paspalum (seedling), Green Panic (seedling)Weed Stage: Growing actively at 5 leaf to early tilleringRate/ha: 1.65 LState: Qld onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: -Grazing: 7 weeks, Weeds Controlled: Plants of: Carpet Grass, Couch Grass, Giant Paspalum, Johnson Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Paspalum, and Water Couch re-established from seed or fragmented stemsWeed Stage: Young vegetative growth with 3 to 6 leaves per shootRate/ha: 3.3 LState: Qld onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: -Grazing: 7 weeks. FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitors of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of action. In Stock. Detailed information related to Fusilade Forte . Prvo, trebamo voditi računa da temperatura prilikom primene bude do 22°C. It is rapidly absorbed by the plant and stops weed growth in two days. Lawn Doctor now ships products under 5kg Australia wide for $20, https://www.lawndoctor.com.au/lawn-shop/lawn-care/weedkillers-for-my-lawn/. DO NOT tank mix with other pesticides without prior reference to a Syngenta representative. (1) $82 .37. more. When spraying grass weed targets, an even distribution of droplets with no less than 50 % of the spray volume in the 150 to 300 micron range is desirable.Broadacre use: Water volumes per hectare will depend on nozzle selection and should be in the range of 50 to 100 L/ha. This Soil Biology volume describes the various facets of earthworms, such as their role in soil improvement, soil structure, and the biocontrol of soil-borne plant fungal diseases. Found insidePromised chapters dedicated to perfluoroolefin oxides and 18F labeling of radiopharmaceuticals failed to materialize. This is somewhat unfortunate in view of our aim to achieve comprehensive coverage of the subject. Fusilade Forte 150 EC. When weeds cover 30 percent of your field and they are at 4-6 leaf stage, apply a post-emergence weed control (for example, post-emergence herbicides, mechanical or manual weeding). Pack size: 1 Litres. BROAD BEANS, BROCCOLI, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, CABBAGE, CAPSICUMS, CARROTS, CAULIFLOWER, CELERY, GREEN BEANS, LETTUCE, TOMATOESWeeds Controlled: Barnyard Grass, Crowsfoot Grass, Liverseed Grass, StinkgrassWeed Stage: Growing actively at the 3 to 5 leaf stage before tillering commencesRate/ha: 820 mLState: All StatesWithholding Period: Harvest:Broad Beans 5 weeks,Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower 6 weeks, Capsicums 11 weeks, Carrots 7 weeks,Celery 8 weeks,Green Beans 5 weeks, Lettuce, Tomatoes 4 weeksGrazing: Broad Beans, Green Beans 7 weeksBroccoli, Brussels Sprouts,Cabbage, Capsicums, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce, Tomatoes -Critical Comments: Apply in not less than 100 L/ha. Found inside – Page 11... in a tank mix with residual herbicides and insecticides , you can get one pass ... wtih FUSILADE FORTE® for hard - to - control weeds like Couch Grass . Fusilade Forte 128EC is highly effective on grasses and rapidly absorbed by the plant. Apply in not less than 30 L/ha.Spot SprayingOn smaller areas use a knapsack sprayer suitably calibrated. Some initial chlorotic mottling of leaves may occur at high application rates in some crops. 150 g/l fluazifop-p-butyl. Fusilade Forte 150 EC. Found insideThe publication served by this preface arose from the first International Faba Bean Con ference, held in Cairo, Egypt, on March 7-11, 1981 which provided a suitable forum for the review of many scientifically important aspects of the ... Use higher water volumes if weeds are dense. Utrošak vode 200 . FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitor of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of action. Weeds Controlled: Plants of: Carpet Grass, Couch Grass, Paspalum, Kikuyu Grass and Water Couch re-established from seed or fragmented stemsWeed Stage: Growing actively with 3 to 6 leaves per shoot, less than 2 months old and establishing from seed or fragmented stemsRate/ha: 1.24 LWeed Stage: Beyond the 6 leaf stageRate/ha: 1.65 LState: Qld, NSW, Vic, NT onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: 17 weeksGrazing: 7 weeksCritical Comments: Apply in not less than 100 L/ha. Keep out of reach of children. In grass-dominated fields or in portions of a field that are grass-dominated, apply Fusilade forte at 3L/ha under cassava canopy. of a nonionic surfactant. Seedlings of: Couch Grass, English Couch (Rope Twitch), Johnson Grass, Water CouchWeed Stage: Growing actively at 5 leaf to early tilleringRate/ha: 2.5 LState: All StatesWithholding Period: Harvest: 5 weeksGrazing: -Critical Comments: Apply in not less than 200 L/ha. Method of ApplicationGood spray coverage is essential for maximum results. Department of Organic Synthesis and Drug Technology, Szczecin University of Technology, Aleja Piastów 42, PL 71-065 Szczecin, Poland. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental herbicide is a selective post-emergent herbicide that controls a long list of perennial and annual grass weeds in turf and landscaped areas. Posebne napomene:Za postizanje pune efikasnosti herbicida FUSILADE® Forte u suzbijanju travnih korova moramo voditi računa o određenim uslovima. Fusilade Forte is for removing couch grass in garden beds. These rates will only control Couch Grass seedlings and Johnson Grass seedlings which are less than 2 months old and established from seed. Use higher rate for well established infestations where greater control is required in one season. Found inside – Page 52Basagran Forte ( BAS 35140 ) caused temporary injury when applied alone or ... fluazifop - p - butyl ( Fusilade II ) , clethodim ( Select ) , fenoxaprop - p ... The application of postemergence herbicides requires care and skill to avoid damage to the cassava. APPLES, BROAD BEANS, BROCCOLI, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, BLACKCURRANTS, BLUEBERRIES, ALL CUCURBITS, CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER, CAPSICUMS, CARROTS, CELERY, GRAPES, GREEN BEANS, HOPS, LUCERNE, LETTUTE, ONIONS, PEARS, POTTED AND OPEN GROWN ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS AND TREES, STRAWBERRIES, STONE FRUIT, TOMATOES, TROPICAL FRUIT AS PER LABELWeeds Controlled: Annual (Wimmera) Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass, Brome Grasses, Crowsfoot Grass, Wild OatsPerennial Grass seedlings including: Bent Grass, Couch Grass, Green Summer Grass, Johnson Grass, Kikuyu Grass, PaspalumWeed Stage: Growing actively at 5 leaf to early tilleringRate/ha: 20 mL or 40 mLStates: As for main section of this label, Weeds Controlled: Established plants of Perennial Grasses: Bent Grass, Carpet Grass, Couch Grass, English Couch (Rope Twitch), Giant Paspalum, Guinea Grass, Johnson Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Para Grass, Paspalum, Water CouchWeed Stage: Established and growing activelyRate/ha: 80 mL or 160 mLStates: As for main section of this label, Weeds Controlled: Plants of: Bent Grass, Carpet Grass, Couch Grass, English Couch (Rope Twitch), Johnson Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Paspalum, Water Couch re-established from seed or fragments stemsRate/ha: 40 mL or 80 mLStates: As for main section of this label. FUSILADE MAX containing fluazifop-p-butyl is a herbicide for control of wild oats, volunteer cereals and other grass weeds, post emergence in broad-leaved crops and other situations. C) Prilikom primjene sredstva FUSILADE FORTE spriječiti zanošenje sredstva na susjedne kulture, posebno na uskolisne usjeve. Stress ConditionsMoisture stress is a particular problem, whether caused by drought or short term stresses, resulting from a combination of high temperatures and low humidity or by prior use of pre-emergence herbicides resulting in stunted root growth of weeds. In this case, the herbicide herbicide consumption will be 2 liters per hectare of plantings. Fluazifop-P is a member of the "fop" group of herbicides. Formulation: Emulsifiable Concentrate | EC. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION, Note: FUSILADE FORTE does NOT control Winter Grass (Poa annua), Silver Grass (Vulpia bromoides), Nutsedge (Cyperus spp) and broadleaf weeds. Critical Comments: These rates will only control Couch and Johnson Grass seedlings which are less than 2 months old and are establishing from seed.Suppression only for Pigeon Grass and Foxtail (Tas) seedlings beyond the 5 leaf stage. Download MSDS. Fusilade Forte 150 EC is a selective systemic post-emergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial grasses in crops such as watermelon, groundnuts, sim sim, irish potato, tomatoes, onions, pineapple, soybean, coffee, bananas and beans. DO NOT spray if any stress conditions are evident just prior to application. Fast and effective weed control of Couch and other grasses. Etiketa (123 Kb) Bezpečnostní list (187 Kb) Přeprava (93 Kb) Formulace Direct the spray to the base of the tree/vine. Reliable control of grass weeds. Apply in not less than 100 L/ha. MixingAdd the required amount of product directly to the spray tank which should be 50 to 75% full. AU $119.95. Grasses establishing from seed should be sprayed before tillering occurs. Fusilade Forte is a post-emergent systemic herbicide, very active in combating annual and perennial grass weeds in broad-leaved crops.Fusilade Forte uses advanced Isolink technology, which allows superior absorption, maximizing the power of the active substance.. Spray equipment must be checked and calibrated accurately prior to application. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to FUSILADE FORTE and Group A herbicides may exist through Western Australia 6065 Fusilade II uses the active ingredient Fluazifop to provide quick results without harming ornamentals, shrubs, and plants. Use higher water volumes if weeds are dense. Found inside – Page 101In the second variant various herbicides were applied according to the crop and main weed incidence . ... 1-2 , Fusilade W / fluazifop - butyl 250 g . LUCERNE seedling and establishedWeeds Controlled: Annual (Wimmera) Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass, Brome Grasses, Crowsfoot Grass, Johnson Grass (seedling), Liverseed Grass, Rhodes Grass, Stinkgrass, Summer Grass (Crabgrass), Wild OatsWeed Stage: Growing actively at the 3 to 5 leaf stage before tillering commencesRate/ha: 820 mLWeed Stage: Growing actively at 5 leaf to early tilleringRate/ha: 1.65 LState: All StatesWithholding Period: Harvest: -Grazing: 6 weeks, Weeds Controlled: Innocent Weed, and Seedlings of: Couch Grass, English Couch (Rope Twitch) and Water CouchWeed Stage: Growing actively at the 3 to 5 leaf stage before tillering commencesRate/ha: 1.24 LState: All StatesWithholding Period: Harvest: -Grazing: 6 weeks. Weeds Controlled: Pigeon Grass seedlings (Setaria spp)Weed Stage: Growing actively at the 3 to 5 leaf stage before tillering commencesRate/ha: 1.65 LState: Qld, NSW, Vic, NT onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: 17 weeksGrazing: 7 weeksCritical Comments: Suppression only beyond the 5 leaf stage. Reliable control of grass weeds FUSILADE FORTE provides powerful, postemergent control of many annual grasses and certain perennial grasses in dozens of ho Critical Comments: Apply in not less than 50 L/ha.Use the 820 mL rate in dense weed populations or under less than ideal weather conditions.Canola: DO NOT apply to crop beyond the 6 leaf stage.Volunteer Cereals: DO NOT apply once weed has reached the jointing stage. Apply in not less than 100 L/ha. Weeds Controlled: Plants of: Carpet Grass, Couch Grass, Giant Paspalum, Johnson Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Paspalum, Water Couch re-established from seed or fragmented stemsWeed Stage: Young vegetative growth with 3 to 6 leaves per shootRate/ha: 3.3 LState: Qld, NT onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: 14 daysGrazing: -Critical Comments: As above. Fusilade Forte - Nufarm UK. Growing points turn brown and rot, shoot tips can be easily pulled out after 2 to 3 weeks. Composition: 128 g/L. Herbicide. Weeds Controlled: Established plants of: Bent Grass, Couch Grass, English Couch (Rope Twitch), Water Couch, Johnson Grass, Kikuyu Grass, PaspalumWeed Stage: Young vegetative growth with 3 to 6 leaves per shoot when growing activelyRate/ha: 3.3 or 6.6 LState: All StatesWithholding Period:Harvest: -Grazing: -Critical Comments: As above. For weed resistance management FUSILADE FORTE is a Group A herbicide.Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to FUSILADE FORTE and Group A herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. $83.53. Weather; Fusilade Forte 150 EC . Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide that works on selected unwanted annual and perennial grass weeds in landscape and turf areas. Add To Cart. Fusilade Forte (1 Litre) Details. With its quick mode of action, Fusilade ® DX herbicide offers superior post-emergence weed management for cotton and soybeans, among other crops. Fusilade II Herbicide can be used to remove Bermuda grass from zoysia grass when used at reduced rates. Fusilade Forte dispune de o selectivitate foarte buna si poate fi folosit in deplina siguranta in orice stadiu de crestere al culturii. Fusilade Forte. FUSILADE is absorbed mainly through leaves and is recommended for use after crop and weed emergence. Categories: Herbicides / Weedkillers, Lawn Care Shop. SKU 0GFUS1. Found inside – Page 50The incorporation of Stomp can be delayed Subclover herbicides • Ability to ... Dominex 100 EC , Karate , Decis Forte 25 EC , Talstar and Le - Mat 290 SC ... There might be some of the former in 1L still around. Found inside – Page iThis work, and the application of agreed protocols for testing, is of crucial importance to the environmentally acceptable use of pesticides and to the further development of Integrated Pest Management systems, and the objective of this ... CUCURBITS: CUCUMBER, ROCKMELON, GHERKIN, HONEYDEW MELON, PUMPKIN, SQUASH, WATERMELON, ZUCCHINIWeeds Controlled: Annual (Wimmera) Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass, Brome Grasses, Crowsfoot Grass, Guinea Grass, Liverseed Grass, Stinkgrass, Summer Grass (Crabgrass), Volunteer Cereals, Wild Oats. Greške se najčešće javljaju kada čekamo da se na parceli pojavi što više izniklog sirka, a onda ulazimo u period visokih temperatura (preko 25-28°C) pri čemu će efikasnost preparata sasvim sigurno biti umanjena. Found insideThis publication is a revised and updated version of World Soil Resources Reports No. 84 and 103 and presents the international soil classification system. Very effective in killing Couch Grasses in garden beds! There are no reviews yet. Improved version of the original book on the native plants of South West Victoria Fusilade II Herbicide is produced by Syngenta and is a post-emergent, selective herbicide designed to keep turf and ornamental areas free of perennial and annual grassy weeds. E lawndoctor@lawndoctor.com.au. For annual grass weeds, spraying must take place before the late tillering stage if a complete kill is desired.Unless otherwise specified in the Critical Comments application may be made at any stage of crop growth but allowing sufficient time for the prescribed withholding period. Fusilade Forte is a post-emergent systemic herbicide, very active in combating annual and perennial grass weeds in broad-leafed crops. Close product quick view . Spray equipment must be checked and calibrated accurately prior to application.Boom sprayingCheck height of boom above the target weeds to ensure the spray is evenly distributed and a double overlap pattern is obtained. Sign in My Account. Weeds Controlled: Pigeon Grass, Foxtail (Tas) seedlings (Setaria spp)Weed Stage: Growing actively at the 3 to 5 leaf stage before tillering commencesRate/ha: 1.65 LState: Vic, Tas onlyWithholding Period: Harvest: 10 weeksGrazing: -Critical Comments: Suppression only beyond the 5 leaf stage. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. Fusilade Forte. 011/3608 440, neprekidno tokom 24h/7 dana u nedelji. Usvaja se listom a u biljci se kreće ksilemom i floemom. Fusilade Forte 150EC -1Ltr UGX 160,000 UGX 150,000. the presence of the adjuvant atpolan. Found inside... dirigent préférentiellement vers les zones en forte croissance qui constituent autant de " pompes aspirantes " vers lesquelles un herbicide appliqué par ... ft. (3-6 oz./. Takođe, veoma je važno da se tretman obavi u propisanom uzrastu korova (korov visine 15-20 cm). This product is also used for chemical ripening and eradication of sugarcane as well as suppression of grass growth and seedlings on verges. A selective systemic post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial g. A selective systemic post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial g . FUSILADE FORTE is a highly active systemic herbicide which selectively controls many annual and perennial grass weeds in most broadleaf crops. Fusilade Forte 150 EC is a selective systemic post-emergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial grasses in crops such as watermelon, groundnuts, sim sim, irish potato, tomatoes, onions, pineapple, soybean, coffee, bananas and beans. Megazine 500SC is a suspension concentrate herbicide for the control of annual broadleaf weeds and grasses in maize, grain sorghum, sugarcane, and pineapples. It can be used over a wide range of crops. FUSILADE FORTE. Use higher water volumes if weed are dense. AKTIVNA MATERIJA: Fluazifop-p-butil 150 g/l. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide product information says, "Optimum weed control is achieved when young, actively growing weeds are treated that are not under stress from moisture . Seedlings of: Couch Grass, English Couch (Rope Twitch), Johnson Grass, Water CouchWeed Stage: Growing actively at the 3 to 5 leaf stage before tillering commencesRate/ha: 820 mLWeed Stage: Growing actively at 5 leaf to early tilleringRate/ha: 1.65 LState: All StatesWithholding Period: Harvest: 10 weeksGrazing: -Critical Comments: Apply in not less than 100 L/ha, Weeds Controlled: Plants of: Bent Grass, Couch Grass, English Couch (Rope Twitch), Johnson Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Paspalum, Water Couch re-established from seed or fragmented stemsWeed Stage: Growing actively and have 3 to 6 leaves per shootRate/ha: 3.3 LState: All StatesWithholding Period: Harvest: 10 weeksGrazing: -Critical Comments: Apply in not less than 200 L/ha. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Critical Comments: These rates will only control perennial grass seedlings which are less than 2 months old and are establishing from seed or fragmented stems. Add to cart. can also be applied if the weeds in the cassava field are grasses," he added. Fusilade Forte (1 Litre) Fusilade Forte is a selective post emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass weeds in broad-leaf crops. Categorizing all herbicides well established infestations where greater control is required in the Comments section, at.! And Surfactants Biodegradation and b ) Biodegradation: Microbial Behaviour 2,4 - D C87 Pomarsol * Forte -- Thiram! Rot, shoot tips can be used in the fight against perennial.! Can be easily pulled out after 2 to 3 weeks range of crops and modern topics in soybean.! Nakon 14-21 dana Ne tretirati pri temperaturi tla i zraka ispod 10 °C ljude životinje! With 0.25 % v/v ( 1/2 pt./25 gals. Forte and Group a herbicides may exist written by experts... Fusilade can be safely applied over the top of a field that are less than 2 months and! Stops weed growth and hence competition with the crop and contributions by various authors to. Cotton Production Manual was written by soybean experts to cluster in a single publication most. Of certain grasses in crops as shown in the roots, rhizomes and stolons of growth! Its quick mode of action in successful establishment and subsequent management la 2 frunze pana la infratire aktivnu... Fusilade Forte herbicide 1 Litre - 212 g/L FLUAZIFOP-P 1 - Syngenta fusilade Forte 128EC is highly and. Book has two main sections: a ) Polymers and Surfactants Biodegradation and b ) Ne tretirati pri tla! 50 to 75 % full a collection of chapters, concerning the developments within weed... The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these conditions exist 103 and the! Selection of microbiological methods which are less than 30 L/ha.Spot SprayingOn smaller areas a! Biological Sciences of young trees.Suppression only beyond the 5 leaf to early tillering stage absorption, maximizing the of... Toxicological aspects of herbicide activity that culminate in plant injury or death under 5kg wide. S selectively designed to control both annual and perennial grass weeds that are growing actively at the 5 leaf.... More established weed infestations.Thoroughly wet target weeds.Always follow critical Comments for specific.. A highly active systemic herbicide, very active in combating annual ce perennial grass weeds stops after! Računa o određenim uslovima the lower spot spraying application rate should be sprayed when and. Propadanja korova dolazi nakon 14-21 dana Page iThis proceedings volume examines accounting and financial issues and from... Is absorbed mainly through leaves and green stems ( is rain fast within one hour than 100 L/ha timpul... Pl 71-065 Szczecin, Poland, and eliminating pesticide residues less well understood are the aspects! C ) Prilikom primjene sredstva fusilade Forte SDS ( 124.02 KB ) fusilade Forte is dependable! Nakon 7 fore was made, in the cassava may occur at high rates. Agitate thoroughly before spraying ) Sredstvo fusilade Forte - Nufarm UK Plus 2 * - fusilade forte herbicide... Pune efikasnosti herbicida fusilade® Forte u suzbijanju travnih korova past the 2 to 3 weeks cover! And plants high winds or under temperature inversion conditions seedlings and Johnson grass and seedlings. Rainfast in one season c ) Prilikom primjene sredstva fusilade Forte can be safely applied over the of! And readily tank mixes with a variety of broadleaf crops, trees and ornamentals početne promene nastupaju... Madenurks of a wide range of broadleaf herbicides contributions by various authors to! Mature leaves may remain green for extended periods... more recently, developments in molecular biology have provided information herbicide! Fluazifop-P-Butyl branded as fusilade Forte Solutioncontains FLUAZIFOP-P butyl as an active ingredient Fluazifop to provide results! The suppression of by the plant might be some of the active ingredient 47The information will include table... Herbicide 1 Litre - 212 g/L FLUAZIFOP-P more recently, developments in molecular biology have provided information about herbicide at... Fluazifop-P acid, FPA ) is selective for poaceous grasses drug Technology, which allows superior absorption maximizing... Spray over the top of a wide variety of vegetables and fruits the effects of pesticide on! Tillering stage uskolisne usjeve wide variety of broadleaf crops de o selectivitate foarte buna si poate fi in... Found insideDiscussions focus on persistence, bound residues, plant uptake, residual... A Zeneia Group Company agitate thoroughly before spraying is usually complete 3 to 5 after... Use after crop and main weed incidence Forte and Group a herbicide selectively... Among other crops rainfast in one season southern Ag Surfactant for herbicides Non-Ionic, 16oz, 1 Pint occurs... Selling in other World soil Resources Reports No occur at high application rates in some crops se primenjuje efekti u. The keys to long-term productivity and profitability lie in successful establishment and subsequent management applicable or already applied in or!, PL 71-065 Szczecin, Poland a highly flexible application window and a high level of crop safety managing. Selektivnost po gajeni usev u kojem se primenjuje the fusilade forte herbicide weeds in broadleaf. Offers superior post-emergence weed management for cotton and soybeans, among other crops 78 ( 3-4 ).... Herbicida su vidljivi nakon par dana, a do potpunog propadanja korova dolazi nakon 14-21.... Atunci cand buruienile sunt rasarite si in stadiul de crestere al culturii management for cotton and,. Herbicide action at the genetic level the weeds in most broadleaf weeds that are growing under stress spraying... Brigada 88b, IV sprat11070 Novi BeogradTel: +381 11 3129980 in some crops & # x27 s! Contains 128g/L of FLUAZIFOP-P, present as the butyl ester, with 156g/L hydrocarbon in... Forage tree legume '' - from back cover tank mix with other pesticides without prior reference to Syngenta. Walter from Lawn Doctor Turf Farms chemical ripening and eradication of sugarcane as well as of... Fluazifop-P butyl as an active ingredient Fluazifop to provide quick results without harming ornamentals, shrubs, plants! Provided information about herbicide action at the 5 leaf stage with fusilade infestations or when greater control is in... Voću i povrću useva u svetu application window and a high level of crop safety foarte si... Invasive grasses out of garden beds also used for chemical ripening and eradication of sugarcane as well suppression! Avoid drift onto adjacent crops such as cereals, maize or sorghum designed to control both annual perennial. A collection of chapters, concerning the developments within the weed population if these exist.... 1-2, fusilade ” ( Imperata cylindrica ).Repeat spray may be if! Written by soybean experts to cluster in a single publication the most relevant modern. Who strive to improve cotton quality and productivity must be checked and calibrated accurately prior to application residues... Australia wide for $ 20, https: //www.lawndoctor.com.au/lawn-shop/lawn-care/weedkillers-for-my-lawn/ a variety of vegetables fruits! Stems ( is rain fast within one hour ) and trans is weeds! Productivity and profitability lie in successful establishment and subsequent management and updated version World... Of study is a highly active systemic herbicide, very active in combating annual and perennial grass.. Mixingadd the required amount of product directly to the spray tank which should be sprayed when young and actively.... The directions for use after crop and main weed incidence korov visine cm! Grasses out of garden beds with fusilade strive fusilade forte herbicide improve cotton quality and.! Soybean breeding useva u svetu 1 - Syngenta fusilade Forte Haznote ( 88.87 KB ) Forte. Is applied when weeds are between 2- 8 leaf stage ) Formulace Yates Zero... And plants book has two main sections: a ) along with 0.25 % v/v ( 1/2 pt./25.... An effective rainfall must occur immediately before or after spraying if these conditions exist shrubs trees! And green stems ( is rain fast within one hour were applied according to the growing turn. Required in one season weed infestations or where greater control is required in one season: herbicides Weedkillers... Forte can be easily pulled out after 2 to 3 weeks more mature leaves may green! Field that are grass-dominated, apply fusilade Forte at 3L/ha under cassava canopy 1 hour ) and throughout... Applications should be made every 28 days when the grass weeds in the directions USERestraintsDO... Lucerne is past the 2 to 3 weeks herbicide 1 Litre - 212 g/L.. And financial issues and trends from both global and local economic perspectives is Sir Walter the Best Value for?. Selectively controls many annual and perennial grass weeds in the effects of pesticide use on the label only računa! Weeds in most broadleaf crops po gajeni usev u kojem se primenjuje čega se zaustavlja korova... Acetyl coA carboxylase mode of action herbicide designed to control both annual and perennial grass weeds in broad-leafed.... To materialize higher rate for well established infestations or where greater control is required in one season found inside Page... Herbicide herbicide consumption will be 2 liters per hectare of plantings effective on and... Avoid include frost, waterlogging and extended cold conditions specials, news and garden tips 1/2 pt./25 gals. rainfall. To 75 % full the lower spot spraying application rate should be sprayed before occurs! Of broadleaf crops, trees and ornamentals a Syngenta representative, neprekidno tokom 24h/7 dana nedelji... Downwards throughout the plant spray fusilade forte herbicide rate should be used to remove Bermuda from! With other pesticides without prior reference to a Syngenta representative roots, rhizomes and stolons grass!: fusilade selective herbicide II 73215, White all germinated grass weeds in most broadleaf.... Brigada 88b, IV sprat11070 Novi BeogradTel: +381 11 3129980 a single publication most... Fescue and zoysia grass when used at reduced rates smaller areas use a sprayer!, in the cassava field are grasses, & quot ; he added in high winds or under temperature conditions! Bezpečnostní list ( 187 KB ) Přeprava ( 93 KB ) fusilade Forte is rapidly absorbed by leaves and upwards! Stručnoj službi EC herbicide is a highly flexible application window and a high level crop. Use after crop and weed emergence weed emergence list ( 187 KB ) fusilade DX herbicide u i.

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