The Blizzard employee is beyond stupid for not understanding that calling Asmon an asshole would lead to the backlash they received. You're both on the same page at this point. I wouldn't call someone an asshole to their face if I wasn't ready to get punched. Any big enough streamer has doxxers and trolls. People are pissed for Adam Holisky calling Asmon an asshole. The tweet has since been deleted. Die Community von Asmongold ist aufgebracht, nachdem ein Blizzard-Mitarbeiter den Streamer beschimpfte. Why the fuck are people sending death threats, my god. He recently decided to give FFXIV a try, prompting many haters on Twitter to clamor for his removal from the game. F this guy. It was veteran FFXIV players that sent him death threats. What a saint asmongold is for telling his stream not to harass someone for giving him a small slight. I'm not an asmongold fan in anyway and I was upset by this to the point of me wanting this guy to lose his job. Fuck him and everyone who thinks like him. Expect public backlash. It takes someone serious mental problems to do that and thats coming from someone who watches Asmon everyday. 由于“Asmongold”是游戏名人,所以这件事不管是暴雪还是SE其实都是很关注的。在一众反对他玩《FF14》的群体中,有人发现一位叫做“Adam Holisky”的网友发的回复是“这家伙就是一个混蛋”,而这人正是暴雪的产品经理。 Dude threw out a hail mary inflammatory post, and is now trying to build up a pity party for UnFoRsEeN cOnsEqUeNcEs. save. The reply has since been deleted, but that didn’t stop people from screenshotting it and bringing it to Asmongold’s attention, as well as getting it to the front page of LivestreamFail. People are pissed for Adam Holisky calling Asmon an asshole. Adam Holisky is an untalented woke, piece of shit. /r/asmongold, 2021-07-05, 02:52:47 Permalink. he should be fired for his actions right away. I actually channeled the great idea Adam Holisky already had. These are the types of people Blizzard chooses to employ these days? That probably was like half a person doing that. Community curation and moderation is just far too much effort for some streamers, you mean. So.. this guy who has his likes and follows full of antifa and gender nonsense Marxists is now experiencing the average day in the life of a conservative on twitter and everyone is losing their mind? mean look at people that call K-Pop Gay or something they are getting a Il y avait des encouragements inattendus d’Adam Holisky. not surprising, the game has been on fire since Adam Holisky (lead project manager of World of Warcraft) called its most influential player (asmongold) "an a*****" and he defected to FFXIV Explains why I've been getting roulettes and trials I haven't done in years again. Lol. If you dont want the repercussions, dont tell people off. 不管怎麼說,Asmongold打破過往他對於FF14的偏見並開始投入這個《魔獸世界》最大競爭對手也是事實,這也讓前者的同時在線人數直接受惠飆升,打破自己在Steam所創下的歷史最高。 yeah, the internet found this because this guy still works there and recently called Asmongold an asshole. 1 Comment. And if you just HAVE to, do it anonymously, and use a dummy email. there, be it Ingame, in chat or on social media. I get it, I got mad about it too. Same concept. asmongold, ffxiv, wow, final fantasy xiv, world of warcraft, ff14, twitter, final fantasy 14, controversy, blizzard entertainment, activision blizzard, adam holisky, Jr. He resides in Minneapolis, MN with his wife and two cats. Everyone who has been "victims" deserved it, and I'll be fine because I dont." Asmongold did nothing but play FF14. You don’t get fired because a mob twists it to fit their own narrative. Damn, this individual tweeted about this like 10 times. I don't think he remembers the GW2 incident lol, Click here to define a new one. You are genuinely trying to pivot this away from the fact that it is the actions of fans? I also heard she is autistic so maybe it is time to stop. It's only unfair if it's unwarranted. Adam has 9 jobs listed on their profile. Most companies would typically have a social media policy for employees for these things. Hence, fostering a shitty community. Your username is how other community members will see you. If I know anything about people complaining about "death threats", there's probably 1 or 2 messages out of 1000s that say something to the effect of "You're a waste of life" and now they have "death threats" and "fear for their life". He actively tells them not to harass people including in this instance telling everyone to not harass either the blizz employee or the original tweeter. When stuff like this hits news sites and social media, the terminally aggrieved use it as an opportunity to fight their wars on newly discovered turf. But then said communities will organize witch hunts, internet mobs, as well as promote themselves individually by asking for paypal donations or something similar. Even if Activision had 0 interference on the creative process - being part of a public company puts one into the pressure of meeting quarterly targets. You don’t get fired because a mob twists it to fit their own narrative. A dev making a positive comment about a harassing a streamer is news (and was featured on many news sites). However death threats are a little too much man. It's not an Activision issue any more. It's not our fault that we sent death threats to Scottzone, it's those WoW Players". Asmon is living in his head rent free. So it's ok to do that but not ok to get the blowback from it? I dont condone it either, but honestly- what did he think was going to happen? I also understand that it's not about him calling Asmon an asshole, it's about him promoting other person's attempts trying to grief Asmongold. Of course, you can always call someone shit, but be smart looking at the repercussions smh. However everyone should tag him on Twitter and call it out. This is obviously in response to people saying the campaign against him is cancel culture, and is him turning around and saying "No, because cancel culture isn't real. Are you talking about the Xi Queen guy? This tbh. He blamed Trump when people didn't react favourably to Diablo Immortal, so that should help you glean something about him. The last tweet about people threatening his son is heartbreaking, all the replies saying he had it coming clearly written by 12 years old that didn't get disciplined enough by their parents growing up is really worrying about what the world will look like when these little shits will grow up with their internet-addled sense of empathy, empirical studies suggest that punitive child rearing leads to lower moral internalisation and empathy, Can we call him an asshole on twitter though. And you cant stop it. Several FFXIV players expressed discontent over him getting engaged in the game, citing him as having a toxic and hateful personality. (Photo : Adam Holisky / Twitter) « Ce gars est un trou ** », a déclaré Adam dans une réponse, qu’il a ensuite supprimée, mais pas avant que les gens aient pris des captures d’écran et les ont partagées avec Asmongold, qui a clairement déclaré qu’il s’en fichait … Asmongold is one of the biggest World of Warcraft streamers on Twitch. I really don't get it. Blizzard Watch rises from WoW Insider’s ashes. 一位FF14玩家也在Asmongold宣布要玩FF14时,咒骂主播,让他麻溜地滚出FF14,暴雪首席产品经理Adam Holisky也出面认可了这位用户的推文,并直言Asmongold就是个蠢*。. Blizzard-Mitarbeiter beleidigt größten WoW-Streamer. yes, that shit is completely over the line. Recently, however, he decided to try out Final Fantasy XIV Online, another popular game in the MMO genre. Then, within the latter half of … What a nice community you have here. This decision was met with a good deal of praise, but also controversy. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) will be your host today ; Sep 3, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Evík Ovca. People should chill with that though, especially the death threats. I'm shocked Bliz hasn't reprimanded him for it. Caeden Ahn'Qiraj Raider. Funny how you couldn't find the time to defend your other comments in this thread when your comments ran you up a tree, but you can find the time to make new comments trying to upset others. You get locked out after 5 failed attempts. Yes the guy that punched you overreacted, but you asked for it. They just wanted to inconvenience him. This was literally started by someone who was trying to start a campaign to harass Asmongold because they didn't agree with one of his takes from 3 years ago. He has clearly fostered a community that members of decide to doxx and send death threats to anyone who insults him. How are people so unfamiliar with the internet, its been here for 40 years soon. Holisky didn't get attacked because he called Asmon an asshole, he got attacked because he did so in the replies to a "gender expert" culture war grifter. (the word Fan is short for Fanatic, after all.). Autistim isn't a fucking shield for criticism Jesus stop, She also identifies as a furry dog + wants to be called by the pronouns she/her sooooo...."furry bitch" makes sense 5Head. If I wanted it to be my own personal account with zero association with Blizzard, I would... not put "Product Manager of Blizzard" on my twitter account? He fucking loves the harassment dude. Toxicity is a poison. If some guy got angry and said some shit in his chat, sure he gets banned but he can still go to someones twitter and harass them there or whatever. He's so useless he's destructive. Some people view Asmongold in a negative light because he usually has negative things to say about WoW and believes that Blizzard is moving in the wrong direction with many of its IPs and Projects. Asmongold’s kind of hatred and rudeness is not welcome in FFXIV. Adam Holisky @adamholisky — Adam has been publishing content about World of Warcraft for over seven years. And saying "death threats and doxxing cross the line" followed by a "however" is just a recipe for disaster. No one tagged him or asked for his opinion. In fact, they almost never come from within any specific community. In todays time , where you Not victim blaming, but he should've thought things through before saying that post. Adam Holisky's Twitter. Yeah, that's why his fan sub has a post stating that people shouldn't do this very specific thing in response to someone insulting the streamer you all like? Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, Adam is a writer for WoW Insider, a popular internet blog covering news and information about World of Warcraft. What on earth does his politics have to do with this? Are you good buddy? I don’t know what is going on, but the sperg army is def. Compared to how other people here are reacting it's a big improvement. Not at all. Blizzard product manager Adam Holisky dropped in in a comment and called the streamer an “asshole.” The author later deleted the comment and closed his profile. I thought I had a great idea. i think we already do. Harassment was kind of obvious outcome. Researcher & Curator & Conversationalist & Media Chauffeur. Whats the worst thing that could happen if I call a slur and harrass without motive a big streamer lol, Bad actions always come back to the bad asshole. WoW players are your strawman, you're narrative is "Everything's gone to shit, cause of those damn WoW Players. This is a prime example of words have consequences. It makes him the victim. because the internet is filled with crazy psychos. People are pissed for Adam Holisky calling Asmon an asshole. Also it's not like he can ban those people off internet. I get it, I got mad about it too. Snake? TLDR: Asmongold plays FF14. Wow is terrible now. Blizzard has yet to release an official statement on the matter. Quite evident that wow is screwed because idiots like him are calling shots. No, im just saying that this guy is beyond stupid for not knowing what would happen. Don't forget to check out our dedicated World of Warcraft section for more on Asmongold, news, guides and everything else MMO fans might desire. He's beyond useless. I was wrong. save. One of the critics is still a person with the official title of Blizzard Entertainment, that is, chief product manager Adam Holisky. Im not sad about it guy’s a dick. What, do you own this game now or something? Asmongold is an Internet personality, streamer, etc. Il y avait des encouragements inattendus d’Adam Holisky. But seeing the dudes twitter now how he's all "thanks for ruining our 4th of July :(" like. Click here to join us! Asmon has 5% to 10% of his fanbase comprised of legitimate mental people. Opinions do not represent my employer (the fact I need to say this is sadface). 由于“Asmongold”是游戏名人,所以这件事不管是暴雪还是SE其实都是很关注的。在一众反对他玩《FF14》的群体中,有人发现一位叫做“Adam Holisky”的网友发的回复是“这家伙就是一个混蛋”,而这人正是暴雪 … If you call someone an asshole and get punched, you get very little sympathy from me. He just replied to a comment that he thinks that Asmon is an asshole. Final Fantasy XIV, World of Warcraft, Warframe and many other games & MMORPGs take time before the story starts ramping up or the player can reach the End Game. The tweet has since been deleted. Calling a player and subscriber an asshole is like spitting in someone's food while looking them in the eye. Holisky would be pretty happy if Asmon got banned from FFXIV. She stated in a Tweet that Asmongold’s “kind of hatred and rudeness is not welcome in FFXIV.” (Picture: ZylariaVG / Twitter) In a reply to this Tweet, Adam Holisky, the Lead Product Manager and Data Platform at Blizzard Entertainment, stated: “That guy is an a**hole.” Referring to Asmongold. But it has. Yes, it really has gone downhill recently, has it? He has clearly fostered a community that members of decide to doxx and send death threats to anyone who insults him. to view a random image. If you go to a celebrity signing, and tell the celeb he sucks ass and you hope he dies, i would not be surprised if his fans ran you out of there. Ils craignent qu’avec Asmongold, sa communauté en partie toxique ne se retrouve également dans le jeu. Shame they themselves can't fuck off. You are genuinely trying to pivot this away from the fact that it is the actions of fans? Fuck that guy. View the profiles of professionals named "Holisky" on LinkedIn. Posted by Peter (Devee) on February 4, 2015. I agree it's wrong, you shouldn't fight fire with fire here tho i am not going to call for help for the guy who just burnt himself lighting the fire. "Expect to be harrassed". why should anyone be nice to him now? Besides talking about dragons on the internet, he's also an accomplished software developer and enjoys flying around in small planes. I can't speak for the guy you're talking to but AFAIK that isn't what's happening. Password forgotten? It's pretty sad to look at. 由于“Asmongold”是游戏名人,所以这件事不管是暴雪还是SE其实都是很关注的。在一众反对他玩《FF14》的群体中,有人发现一位叫做“Adam Holisky”的网友发的回复是“这家伙就是一个混蛋”,而这人正是暴雪的产品经理。 Asmongold is a prominent Twitch streamer and YouTuber known most for his coverage of World of Warcraft. he knew what he was doing. 由于“Asmongold”是游戏名人,所以这件事不管是暴雪还是SE其实都是很关注的。在一众反对他玩《FF14》的群体中,有人发现一位叫做“Adam Holisky”的网友发的回复是“这家伙就是一个混蛋”,而这人正是暴雪 … This is not professional behaviour of someone working as a manager at a big public company. I don't think he encouraged harassment - at least on purpose. That being said, real-life threats of violence aren't okay. First off, i was responding to your claim that you need to encourage doxxing and fucking around for it to happen, which is untrue. Asmongold thought this was ridiculous, and plenty of others felt this could not presumably be an actual Blizzard dev, however even Blizzard’s Adam Holisky took to Twitter to blatantly name the streamer “an a**hole” for his criticism. By Adam Holisky This is the live blog for the WoW Q&A at BlizzCon 2015. With his mods help, he actively bans people in his chat that cross the line. its finally over unless they buy Asmongold off. In this context, Blizzard Lead Product Manager Adam Holisky endorsed a tweet by one such Twitter user who was openly instigating a harassment campaign against Asmongold. Especially when the asshole is using the opportunity to publicly affirm he STILL believes people who have lost their jobs over public outrage in the past deserved it. Some of his fans are definitely sending angry tweets and demonstratively canceling their subscriptions, but there is absolutely no evidence that the doxxing/death threats are coming from this community. SNAKE!” – Metal Gear Solid, Asmongold slams Blizzard for Shadowlands' Shards of Domination woes, World of Warcraft section for more on Asmongold, news, guides, World of Warcraft update has players debating female sexualisation, World of Warcraft Twitch streamer rages over "stop damage", Best weapons in COD Mobile Season 7: The strongest and most broken guns, Twitch's streamer exodus continues as TimTheTatman reveals switch to YouTube Gaming, COD Mobile AR tier list - Every assault rifle ranked from best to worst for Season 7. By continuing, I agree to GINX' Terms and Conditions. Now is the time. As stupid as it is to try to appeal to his 4th of july being ruined... some of these idiots are really taking it too far. 不过,就在近期,“Asmongold”宣布他回来了,而让人惊讶且无语的是:他的游戏直播内容改成了那个过去曾经被他本人骂过的《最终幻想14(Final Fantasy XIV)》! 我们知道:在MMORPG这个领域,《FF14》算是《魔兽世界》的最大竞争者,双方的玩家喜欢把两款游戏放在一起对比,然后吵得不可开交。 Asmongold recently took a break from his most well-known game to try out other MMORPGs. She stated in a Tweet that Asmongold’s “kind of hatred and rudeness is not welcome in FFXIV.”. The only entity that can help blizzard by giving them safeguards from rev and margin pressure is Activision. Asmongold calls people with 100k+ followers assholes all the time. One more proof of Blizzard staff not understanding the community they're trying to appeal to, Death threats and doxxing cross the line. EVERY SINGLE TIME you criticise a streamer, 0,01% of his/her fanbase WILL let you know you are a waste of air. Nobody is a victim in my eyes. Since he is popular and the game he plays the most is WoW, he has a presence in the Blizzard/WoW sphere. Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly highlights and competitions. Yes that same one that got amplified from his small circlejerk community to a much bigger one by a Blue checkmarked blizzard employee. How dare Asmon play another game other than WoW!? Although Asmongold doesn’t seem to mind, it’s still not a very good look for a Blizzard employee to call someone who plays their games an “a**hole.”. 由于“Asmongold”是游戏名人,所以这件事不管是暴雪还是SE其实都是很关注的。在一众反对他玩《FF14》的群体中,有人发现一位叫做“Adam Holisky”的网友发的回复是“这家伙就是一个混蛋”,而这人正是暴雪 … Furry also self promotes by linking there paypal donation page. It's actually shocking that the Product Manager of Blizzard does not even understand the internet. Then, within the latter half of … The comment was made on Holisky’s verified Blizzard-linked Twitter account. And now crying wolf since he is getting a similar feed. Not much hacking or anything going on. Just give it time. Asmongold thought this was ridiculous, and lots of others felt this could not presumably be an actual Blizzard dev, however even Blizzard’s Adam Holisky took to Twitter to blatantly name the streamer “an a**hole” for his criticism. Dude is a fucking shitbag, and I've got no sympathy for his ruined 4th of July. A World of Warcraft developer named Adam Holisky responded to her comments and said Asmongold is an “a**hole.” The context surrounding the World of Warcraft dev’s initial tweet. Ironically the people screeching Asmon was going to bring a tidal wave of wowfugees to "shit up XIV with gatekeeper assholes" were the gatekeeper assholes themselves. The assumption that this was an Asmon fanboy misunderstands who the combatants are in the pronouns-in-bio vs 4chan troll culture war. Stay tuned and subscribe to the official Asmongold YouTube Channel to always be kept up to date about the best Asmongold Highlights, Asmongold Reacts and funniest Asmongold moments from World of Warcraft and other games played on stream! To follow, please login or register for a GINX account. in reply to That's not a strawman, that's a theory on cause and effect. He retweeted that disaster of a post for a good reason. Since then, Asmongold has gone live for the second day in a row playing FFXIV Online, further proving that he is not going to let this situation get in his way. These people ARE Blizzard now. Jul 4, 2021. Yes, there are certainly people taking it too far. Watch his video on the capitol riots, or his video about racism on Twitch. Difference is he hasn't been de-jobbed/banked/platformed. I get it, I got mad about it too. Blizzard Dev sees tweet and jumps on the hate train saying that Asmongold is an asshole. It’s the responsibility of every decent player to overwhelmingly report every single incident of it and make sure he’s run off, quickly. Motorcyclist Flipping Off A Group Of Bikers Becomes Instant Object Labeling Meme, 'Where Have You Been Loca?' Take it like a man and stop bitching. Asmon has 100k+ viewers, what did he expect? Thats the way people speak where I'm from. This guy probably used his email for bank login. People act like their point is proven if someone threatens them. No way bro I'm about to backtrace this idiot and report him to the cyber police for inciting violence against asmon and its all thanks to you. But a lot of the community doesn't seem to agree and is just frothing at the mouth to cause as much damage as possible and sees this as the perfect excuse to do so. This is always the case nowadays. Legal Information: Know Your Meme ® is a trademark of Literally Media Ltd. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. Content about World of Warcraft streamer but he should 've opened his mouth, he actively bans in. Tweeted about this like 10 times the types of people Blizzard chooses to employ these days promotes linking. Actions right away of someone 's day at most seems appropriate unless he has presence. Comunidad ya está “ gritando y ardiendo ” 'd check out on community... Things through before saying that Asmongold is a prominent Twitch streamer and YouTuber most! Https: // to mass report Asmongold to get the spergs in order, but i doubt anyone do. Has nothing to do with him what 's expected makes you godlike my... The furry Twitter account win stupid prizes wolf since he is popular and the game, even calling “. Is out to adam holisky asmongold out other MMORPGs he deserved it himself the Final straw me! Tweet calling for harassment is frankly irresponsible i guess his harsh criticism of.. 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