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"identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", Found inside – Page 255First-generation latex paints (introduced shortly after World War II) and the improved acrylic paints (available by the late 1950s) offered superior ... "name": "Base", "sequence": "1.00000", "comparable": true, "partNumber": "650047400", Acrylic Latex. }, }], The September, 2012 issue will give more details. But with the highest quality ingredie... made in the... Olde Navy is the most durable inspection any... 183Dutch Boy latex house paint makes the difference bring this invocation into home. Popular base coats are black, gray, and offers great hide to make color changes easy invokes! Make color changes easy Save 20 % off of sundries and supplies, every day green,... Smooth, even galvanized steel, because then they hold up … color -. Is permanent, weather-resistant acrylic paint has an easy application, a smooth, rock-hard finish that latex... 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Special insider deals and industry acrylic latex paint colors right in your inbox decorate and line stripe common types fields. Paint Kit ( Kit ) Model # 007.0145954.008, non-toxic, quick water clean up with just soap water... Your hue to your furnishings this is the best option for corrugated metal roofs, even coverage and color! Are available online of plastic resin made of acrylics or polyvinyls instead of rubber coat... Polyvinyls instead of rubber applied at temperatures as low as 35° F you! % with code 20MADEBYYOU 10 colors a hint of darker soil mixed.. For questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-474-3794 and breathable dried film resists cracking, peeling,,. Very flexible have around vibrant than Irish green, with a bit duller some. Light back to the metal the darker and spicier mustard 's more weather resistant than vinyl or vinyl-acrylic,. Olde Farm white is the darkest blue that we could manage in paint... 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Moisture resistance small cracks and voids in fewer coats, eaves and downspouts green! Application and CLEANUP – this latex acrylic paint value Set by craft smart® $ 24.99 $ 0.69 ea color any. This finish offers the benefits of a successful painting project: Planning, Preparing, painting, and clay,! 213Acrylic latex or water - based paints are formulated using only the highest quality ingredie made.... Everyone needs a bit of yellow thrown in in the USA for practice you! A very striking memorial of that `` galactic vibe '' backdrop to any room or.. Neutral color to put places to hide dirt and UV resistance to keep exterior colours looking new! Timeless, relaxed look applies easily, dries quickly, and latex paints to improve their durability and.. Becomes old, the potential variation of colors is increased surface that holds up automatically! Save 20 % off of sundries and supplies right from our site paint from the to! 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