CCNP Security

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  • نام دوره :  CCNP Security                                                                       cisco-ccnp-security
  • شهريه دوره حضوری : 23,500,000 ریال
  • شهریه دوره مجازی : 19,500,000 ریال
  • تعداد ساعت : 120

(Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security

این دوره مختص مهندس امنیت شبکه سیسکو می باشد که  مسئولیت امنیت در روترها، سوئیچ ها، دستگاه ها و لوازم شبکه همچنین انتخاب، استقرار ، پشتیبانی و عیب یابی فایروال ها، VPNها و راهکارهای IDS/IPS برای محیط های شبکه را دارد.

  • CCNA Security و CCNA Routing and Switching
  •  CCNP Routing and Switching

Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (SISAS)

 1.0 Identity Management and Secure Access

1.1 Implement device administration

1.2 Describe identity management

1.3 Implement wired/wireless 802.1X

1.4 Implement MAB

1.5 Implement network authorization enforcement

1.6 Implement Central Web Authentication (CWA)

1.7 Implement profiling

1.8 Implement guest services

1.9 Implement posture services

1.10 Implement BYOD access

2.0 Threat Defense

2.1 Describe TrustSec Architecture

3.0 Troubleshooting, Monitoring, and Reporting Tools

3.1 Troubleshoot identity management solutions

4.0 Threat Defense Architectures

4.1 Design highly secure wireless solution with ISE

5.0 Design Identity Management Architectures

5.1 Device administration

5.2 Identity Management

5.3 Profiling

5.4 Guest Services

5.5 Posturing Services

5.6 BYOD Access



Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security (SENSS)

 1.0 Threat Defense

1.1 Implement firewall (ASA or IOS depending on which supports the implementation)

1.2 Implement Layer 2 Security

1.3 Configure device hardening per best practices

2.0 Cisco Security Devices GUIs and Secured CLI Management

2.1 Implement SSHv2, HTTPS, and SNMPv3 access on the network devices

2.2 Implement RBAC on the ASA/IOS using CLI and ASDM

2.3 Describe Cisco Prime Infrastructure

2.4 Describe Cisco Security Manager (CSM)

2.5 Implement Device Managers

3.0 Management Services on Cisco Devices

3.1 Configure NetFlow exporter on Cisco Routers, Switches, and ASA

3.2 Implement SNMPv3

3.3 Implement logging on Cisco Routers, Switches, and ASA using Cisco best practices

3.4 Implement NTP with authentication on Cisco Routers, Switches, and ASA

3.5 Describe CDP, DNS, SCP, SFTP, and DHCP

4.0 Troubleshooting, Monitoring and Reporting Tools

4.1 Monitor firewall using analysis of packet tracer, packet capture, and syslog

5.0 Threat Defense Architectures

5.1 Design a Firewall Solution

5.2 Layer 2 Security Solutions

6.0 Security Components and Considerations

6.1 Describe security operations management architectures

6.2 Describe Data Center security components and considerations

6.3 Describe Collaboration security components and considerations

6.4 Describe common IPv6 security considerations

Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS)

1.0 Secure Communications

1.1 Site-to-site VPNs on routers and firewalls

1.2 Implement remote access VPNs

2.0 Troubleshooting, Monitoring, and Reporting Tools (as implemented above)

2.1 Troubleshoot VPN using ASDM & CLI

3.0 Secure Communications Architectures

3.1 Design site-to-site VPN solutions

3.2 Design remote access VPN solutions

3.3 Describe encryption, hashing, and Next Generation Encryption (NGE)

Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS)

1.0 Content Security

1.1 Cisco ASA 5500-X NGFW Security Services

1.2 Cisco Cloud Web Security

1.3 Cisco WSA

1.4 Cisco ESA

2.0 Threat Defense

2.1 Network IPS

2.2 Configure device hardening per best practices

3.0 Device GUIs and Secured CLI

3.1 Content Security

4.0 Troubleshooting, Monitoring, and Reporting Tools

4.1 Configure IME and IP logging for IPS

4.2 Content Security

4.3 Monitor Cisco Security IntelliShield

5.0 Threat Defense Architectures

5.1 Design IPS solution

6.0 Content Security Architectures

6.1 Design Web Security solution

6.2 Design Email Security solution

6.3 Design Application Security solution

  • مدیران شبکه
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  • مشاورین سیستم های امنیت اطلاعات
  • متخصصین Cisco

توجه : تاریخ اعلام شده جهت شروع دوره، ممکن است با توجه به زمان به حد نصاب رسیدن افراد، تغییر یابد.

نام دوره تعداد ساعت روز و ساعت شهریه حضوری شهریه مجازی تاریخ شروع
CCNP Security 120 پنج شنبه 12:00 – 9:00 23,500,000ریال 19,500,000ریال 1395/12/10
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